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  1. Urca

    Funny story

    well i thought it was funny. do you have a story that you'd like to share?
  2. Urca

    Funny story

    I was smoking a joint in my friends car going down the freeway, it was like 3 am, so no one was out. well he just got his windows tinted, so we couldnt roll them down, but I didnt want box the car. So I said is there any way to crack the window. He said sure, next thing I know we're doing 70...
  3. Urca

    What is the sluttiest thing you have ever done?

    why is that? Seriously? and id rather not answer this, i dont think ive done anything "slutty"
  4. Urca

    How the heck u do it???

    ok holy shit i was wrong... anywho back to people who post alot
  5. Urca

    How the heck u do it???

    hey cannabineer, how old are you? lol seriously ive been too shy to ask, but you dont seem as old as someone like fdd, but at the same time i know your not my age, or whatever
  6. Urca

    Do you look way different now?

    haha idk if any of you actually saw my pictures, but I have always looked way younger than I am. Tried to buy a swisher and they thought I was 16 until I showed them my id. I dont look the same at all though. I went from looking like a boy for many years, to finally looking like a girl. Its...
  7. Urca

    Do you look way different now?

    yeah my grandma is 70, doesnt look over like 60 something. When she was in her 60's, I swore up and down she looked like she was in her early 50's. Hopefully I got her genes and not my mothers, my mom looks old...
  8. Urca

    Do you look way different now?

    hahahaha i deleted it, but yeah.
  9. Urca

    Do you look way different now?

    that short hair cut was rocked between the ages of 6-12
  10. Urca

    Do you look way different now?

    Than you did as a kid? Im looking back at old pictures of myself and i feel like two different people, however I have plenty of friends and family who have looked the same their whole lives.
  11. Urca

    How the heck u do it???

    beardo's ok, i like him when he's more normal, but lately he's gone off the deepend
  12. Urca

    How the heck u do it???

    fuck off? seriously im far from a troll
  13. Urca

    How the heck u do it???

    ive been here since march and i dont have as much as other people.
  14. Urca

    So Today I found Out My Boss is DEAD!

    I still cry when I think about my friend. i went to high school with her, but after our sophomore year she didnt come back to school, she was getting chemo. She died in march. It hurts really bad to think about her, we werent close but like we used to talk about boys, makeup, the future, etc...
  15. Urca

    Would this work?

    um, thats what i dont want to do. I just want a nice night where we hang out, etc, and tbh, yes I want to kiss him a touch him a bit. but not go overboard like a blowjob
  16. Urca

    Would this work?

    yeah im thinking im gonna play it cool, then if he still tries something without me acting how i normally do, then ill go for it. But I dont want it to escalate into full blown sexual stuff, so how do I keep it simple?
  17. Urca

    Did I do the wrong thing? Worried sick

    eh well shit, i wasnt completely honest about what i posted on this thread today, i was over reacting and assuming shit, i didnt actually pay attention to his words. he said we'll work out what we wanna do, together, but he's not so sure about maintaining the sexual aspect
  18. Urca

    Would this work?

    Ok so had this very long talk with the dude ive mentioned lots of times on here today. He said he doesnt want to do anything "sexual" because he doesnt want to lead me on, but when we hang out we'll talk about it more and we'll see what happens. Which is something I can work with, seeing as...
  19. Urca

    Did I do the wrong thing? Worried sick

    guess this thread was pointless, as now he doesnt want to do anything with me any more sexually because he doesnt want me to get led on or the wrong idea. but hey, now i have another platonic male friend. dont i have the best luck?
  20. Urca

    am i off base?

    eh fuck. ive just resigned myself to one long ass bus ride every day. which is bullshit but whatever.