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  1. Urca

    What is the sluttiest thing you have ever done?

    he says he doesnt want to hurt me, but it doesnt hurt. Im not asking him to choke me out or slap me around, just be more aggressive, take charge, pull my hair slap my ass bite my neck something. not to say what he does isnt nice, but i have different wants from time to time. And yet the...
  2. Urca

    Extreme fear of death, having mini panic attack

    yes i am.....
  3. Urca

    Extreme fear of death, having mini panic attack

    the only uncalled for part was the first post on this page, i find what you say to be entertaining and informative
  4. Urca

    Extreme fear of death, having mini panic attack

    WOW UNCALLED FOR. i cant help it that these things happen. i only posted on here about it because i calm down when i start diverting myself. its not from smoking weed, i was completely sober, and in fact it was worse than it is now back when i wasnt smoking anything at all, i just used to lay...
  5. Urca

    Extreme fear of death, having mini panic attack

    yeah ive been getting these for years. since i was like 10 or so. for like four months when i was 14 all i could think about was dying and death, it was bad. gah i have a final in the morning but im afraid to get off the computer and be left alone with my thoughts. can smoke cause i need to...
  6. Urca

    What is the sluttiest thing you have ever done?

    haha you guys are a bit too old for me, my morals would be fine. now if it were some dude in his 20's, tall, funny, i can see it happening. lol
  7. Urca

    What is the sluttiest thing you have ever done?

    of course of course. lol im a bit smarter than the average bear. i kind of got that impression. but i thought about why someone doing something like that to me wouldnt work, and its because im so disbelieving after years of hearing all the bullshit insulting come ons, I dont believe anyone...
  8. Urca

    What is the sluttiest thing you have ever done?

    lol whatever. isnt it late there? must be delusions
  9. Urca

    Extreme fear of death, having mini panic attack

    Im very afraid to die, and usually this can trigger a panic attack or a major depressive episode. Idk what to do, I just felt it coming on, just tried to lay down and go to sleep, when it hit, so im back on here trying to distract myself long enough to forget about it
  10. Urca

    What is the sluttiest thing you have ever done?

    what web? lol its just that im not an idiot, even if you called me desperate in a nice way, you'd still be calling be desperate.
  11. Urca

    What is the sluttiest thing you have ever done?

    lol i highly doubt it.
  12. Urca

    What is the sluttiest thing you have ever done?

    lol the delivery of it doesnt change the meaning
  13. Urca

    What is the sluttiest thing you have ever done?

    eh im not the stalker type, im too worried about what people think of me, and being called desperate and stalkerish is something i never want to h ear
  14. Urca

    Lace and Frills <3

    lol online shopping rocks, but then there'd be the whole techicality of getting her address and sending it to her, which is weird in itself
  15. Urca

    What is the sluttiest thing you have ever done?

    lol i could never do the stalker thing, or the random hook up thing, id be too embarrassed.
  16. Urca

    Lace and Frills <3

    lol you seem entranced. maybe thats a good thing for them, kuroi loves it when people enjoy her pictures
  17. Urca

    What is the sluttiest thing you have ever done?

    i dont want it to, but im sure something like that happens to every girl once
  18. Urca

    What is the sluttiest thing you have ever done?

    ugh i feel like something like that would happen to me
  19. Urca

    What is the sluttiest thing you have ever done?

    idk how id feel about choking, but i do love having my hair pulled