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  1. I

    Soil stays wet for days?

    your cups may need drainage your soil should be wet not soggy when u water
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    Tell me what u think

    Think I will just water with plane ph,d water and take Dannyboys advice of foliar feeding for next few days see how they react and yes I do low feeding guess ppm went up cause of soil much thanks for all the replys
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    Tell me what u think

    Think I'll just give them plane ph,d water and take Dannyboys advice and foliar a bit for next few days see how they react and yes I do low feeding guess it got a bit high cause of soil and much thanks to all the replys
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    Tell me what u think

    Fox form 6-4-4 half what recommended on bottle a friend told never give full cause it's better t add if needed then burning them and been reading between 600- 800 ppm so I haven't increase dose
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    Tell me what u think

    Well had a high ph issue think it's cause the soil so I added a coat of moss and I'm feeding them Ph,d at 6 Now they much happier and les yellow very little yellow on bottom leaves less then when did the changes
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    Tell me what u think

    That was funny nice humor
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    Tell me what u think

    Yea had the idea just needed some advice from u guys to make sure I don't rush in to flower and thanks I'll hold back and try foliar see if can get them 100% again sorry about the pics
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    Tell me what u think

    Thanks a lot, sorry about the pic it's cause my iPad don't have a flash so had to leave a little bit of light to take the pic
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    Under watered drooping will be okay?

    Do you have fan blowing some aire at them Branches look weak some movement helps them get stronger, also be careful taking to many cuttings can stun the plant and really what it looks like to me but should recover give it a few days. Just a newbies opinion
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    Tell me what u think

    some very few yellow thought may be from leaves not getting same light as tops but like I said they been recovering from a bad ph issue u think they healthy enough to put to flower thinking of giving them about five more days and start flowering
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    Super freaking out please help

    To or 3 hits won't even show if u take test the next day believe me I've been there
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    Tell me what u think

    Took 2 more with low light
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    plant health issue

    Looks like N burn to me some times caused when ph is out of range always balance ph after adding N no after don't think it's light burn cause that tends to curle the edges test ppm in the soil and make adjustments if needed if not then maybe it's ph
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    Yet another seedling problem

    Hi I'm a newbie but had not have any issue with my seedlings so here's what I'd do first 1000w for seedlings I'd say to strong they can get stress from radiant, other no fan blowing at them it won't let humidity go up best cicle aire around and put a shallow bowl of water in front of your fan to...
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    Tell me what u think

    Ok also have them under a 400 watt hps about 30 inch away going to change to a 1000w when start to flower. Also tried training a little
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    Why is something else growing in soil?

    Sometimes there's seeds in the soil mix u buy just rip it out no worry
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    Tell me what u think

    we'll first thanks to all for the good info I've got from this and other forums it's been a blast even though my results have not been best in my grow have had issues and would like to know what any of u think up til now just say anything u,d like guys and girls. All 4 plants are started from...
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    Welcome New Members!

    i think I just reply to a very old post funny o well
  19. I

    Welcome New Members!

    Hi there Im no expert but have read around that dipping a fresh cut clone in aloe gel just like with clone powder or gel helps clones root (no double dipping) look it up and much luck
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    Welcome New Members!

    Hi Vet's and newbies been consuming mj for many years done some experimenting (hobby) grows 1-2 plants threw the years none successful, quality wise. Guest its do 2 high temp outdoors where I live and had hell of a time doing it. I'm trying to take it seriously now, seems it's not as much fun do...