Yet another seedling problem


Well-Known Member
i know it's a question your all sick of hearing. But I have looked everywhere and came to a conclusion. Just wanted to get some opinions. My seedlings are 10 days old. I had them under cfls until 2 days ago. I have them 32" below a 1000w MH that is sealed and vented. Temp was at 29C at peak and down to 20C at night. Have a fan blowing on them lightly. Humidity doesn't want to go much higher than 25% but stays around 23%. Soil is 50% pro mix, 25 perlite, 25 mushroom and worm castings. I noticed the markings on leaves the day before I switched to MH light but the curling just started. I checked the water and it was almost an 8ph, but my run off is still about 6.4. I'm going to go buy ph up and down tomorrow to keep the water at 6.5. Anyways my conclusion is heat stress or too much light intensity. I have a dimmable ballast that I just turned down to 750w. Any one have other suggestions or ideas? Thanks for reading another post about seedlings lolimage.jpgimage.jpeg


Well-Known Member
Re-potting should help, something a little larger & new soil. I'd use a little bit less perlite, 15/20% tops, but that's just me.


Well-Known Member
I was thinking about repotting in a week, they are only 10 or 11 days from seed I figured I would have a lot more time before needing to. Is it possible the problems are from the plant being rootbound so early?


Well-Known Member
stop the curling tips by increasing ur Rh = way too low 50-65% is the norm

(stomatas are closing too early, a minor stress)

best to leave a cup of water in there

next grow just go worm casting stuff and perlite for spectacular results

good luck
Hi I'm a newbie but had not have any issue with my seedlings so here's what I'd do first 1000w for seedlings I'd say to strong they can get stress from radiant, other no fan blowing at them it won't let humidity go up best cicle aire around and put a shallow bowl of water in front of your fan to raise humidity, 250w at about 20inch is good or 400w about 30 that's what I used with no issue also don't feed till u see at least 3 sets of leaves that's my 50cents worth good luck


Well-Known Member
So brought up the RH to 55 and it took a full day but they are looking a little better. One got a little worse over night but throughout the day they all seemed to have got a little bit better. I'm sure by the morning it will be better. Thanks again.


Well-Known Member
So here's what they look like now. Is it possible my fan is blowing too hard causing the leaves to curl like that? Temps are fairly steady at 26 and rh has been between 40-55image.jpegimage.jpeg


Well-Known Member
The reason I'm thinking the fan is because the ones closest to the fan are the worse and the ones opposite the fan have hardly any curling.