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  1. QueenBee

    My CFL Lowryder 2 grow - first grow!

    Lol cheers Just another sneaky pic to show their growth today - these pics are just 5 and a half hours apart!
  2. QueenBee

    My CFL Lowryder 2 grow - first grow!

    Some pics from before they went to bed a couple of hours ago. Thats the end of day 11 under the light, about day 14 or 15 overall. Im still not sure when to count day one as
  3. QueenBee

    My CFL Lowryder 2 grow - first grow!

    Thanks! Ive been looking at yours a lot too, its great to see a similar grow just a bit ahead! I dont think Ive got particularly green fingers. I was so worried coz Id read so much it seemed so hard but with just water, a light and some miracle grow soil (and some milk bottles) theyre doing...
  4. QueenBee

    LED Panel Grow - Low Ryder #2

    What did you do differently with the spindly yellowy thin curly leaved ones? I remember reading earlier you'd given some nutes, some water etc? Those led lights do look pants!
  5. QueenBee

    LED Panel Grow - Low Ryder #2

    Day 49??!! And theyre only just showing sex? Did you say these were lowryders? They dont seem too healthly dude... No offence. Check out my grow!!! lol
  6. QueenBee

    My CFL Lowryder 2 grow - first grow!

    What do you mean by push?! Lol. Thats awesome wackymack, youve given me hope! How big were your pots and what light cycle did you use. Its great to know it can be done with a cfl! Thanks
  7. QueenBee

    My CFL Lowryder 2 grow - first grow!

    Yea the teddys watching over them making sure theyre alright! I wont get an oz off these, lowryder are dwarfs and quick flowering (60 days from seed to harvest) so you dont get a huge yield. Im hoping for maybe an oz or so off 4 plants, all being well, given my circumstances. They seem to be...
  8. QueenBee

    My CFL Lowryder 2 grow - first grow!

    Yep I cut holes in the bottoms of the bottles. Heres a pic I just took
  9. QueenBee

    My CFL Lowryder 2 grow - first grow!

    Righty-o, Ill keep the light nice and close! But Im planning on keeping them on 18/6 all the way thru - this is whats recommended by the Lowryder creator person. Theyre auto-flowering so they dont need the 12/12. Well Ive just spent 2 hours putting them all into bottles, with black bags round...
  10. QueenBee

    My CFL Lowryder 2 grow - first grow!

    Cheeers! Im considering using fizzy pop bottles - theyre deep but not much wider than the pots theyre in now... I cant wait till the girls show themselves, should start happening next week, very exciting! Heres a quick pic from today. Theyre nice and bushy but theyre not growing upwards a lot...
  11. QueenBee

    Round 2-Lowryder2-cfl grow.

    Why does everyone say opposite things???!!! Im so confused :(
  12. QueenBee

    Round 2-Lowryder2-cfl grow.

    About the yellowy leaves again. Ive just been doing some searching. Do you use lots of nutes or use them often? Ive seen people suggest chemical burn is the problem so maybe cut back, try giving her just water for a few days? But someone also said theyve grown lowryders a few times and it always...
  13. QueenBee

    Round 2-Lowryder2-cfl grow.

    Have you checked the soil PH? Maybe its too acidy or something?
  14. QueenBee

    My CFL Lowryder 2 grow - first grow!

    I do need some better pots. I want square ones. The thing is tho I cant put them all in much bigger pots or they wont all fit under the light!!! Ideally I guess I could find some narrow but very deep pots... Hmm.... When I find out which are girls, say there are 4, they can go in big pots and...
  15. QueenBee

    My CFL Lowryder 2 grow - first grow!

    Comparrison picture update!
  16. QueenBee

    Round 2-Lowryder2-cfl grow.

    By the way youre really lucky to have got one of each sex! Aw theyre a cute little couple :) You could try burning some insense if you cant actually get rid of the smell...? Then just blame that weird smell on the insense!
  17. QueenBee

    Round 2-Lowryder2-cfl grow.

    My cfl is 250 watt and is 1-4 inches away from my young plants and they arnt burning and are doing great. Seriously tho the cfl is nearly touching some of them but it works! I dont think the cfl is hotter than a greenhouse environment either so Im not worrying about the heat. They love it...
  18. QueenBee

    My CFL Lowryder 2 grow - first grow!

    Just a little picture update. Really noticing the growth now :D
  19. QueenBee

    Any Female Growers?

    Hiya. Ive just started my first grow. They seem to be doing well. Check it out...
  20. QueenBee

    My CFL Lowryder 2 grow - first grow!

    Lol, thats wicked! Wish I could fast forward mine!