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  1. QueenBee

    My CFL Lowryder 2 grow - first grow!

    I read that they cant be cloned. Its coz of their short life cycle and autoflowering properties (hardly any veg stage) so maybe what youve got isnt lowryder? Supersam - I think you can use floodlights but using the floodlight might be a bit dangerous and expensive. Also I think you'd need to...
  2. QueenBee

    My CFL Lowryder 2 grow - first grow!

    Thats a cool tip, if I could be arsed to do it lol! This is about day 58 for A and she looks very ripe so I think she'll be getting the chop on thursday, ooh exciting! I have a nice big bag of bud now :weed: so Im not being impatient with them anymore! I will cut off the main buds on A and...
  3. QueenBee

    Round 2-Lowryder2-cfl grow.

    Surely 3/4 of an ounce there?! Maybe I get small oz's lol. Congrats, it looks yummy! :D
  4. QueenBee

    My CFL Lowryder 2 grow - first grow!

    I could, but to be honest I couldnt be arsed with the faff! I keep dreaming about the plants now, think its coz of the drought, I keep dreaming that theyre swelling up and getting huge juicy buds. Lol, crazy lady in the hall!
  5. QueenBee

    Round 2-Lowryder2-cfl grow.

    Good luck with the chop. Dont be saying bye just yet tho youve still got your havesting stories and pics to share! RIP Trinity :(
  6. QueenBee

    My CFL Lowryder 2 grow - first grow!

    Cheers Hmmm! Trinitys fatter :finger: ! I wouldnt think it would be overwatering, if anything I think I maybe dont give them enough sometimes! Its really only on A as well and they get treated pretty much the same so Im stumped. I didnt pull the leaves that hard :oops: but maybe ill wait for...
  7. QueenBee

    My CFL Lowryder 2 grow - first grow!

    Thanks Buddha! A is about 29 inches (not including pots) and A and G are about 26 inches. A is looking a little worse for wear. A few of her leaves came off with a little tug (first picture). Some of the leaves have brown spots. Im worried that this is a disease and might make the bud not...
  8. QueenBee

    My CFL Lowryder 2 grow - first grow!

    Dont think Il get 20g a plant to be honest, especially not off G, shes got the fewest and smallest buds. We dont have wal-mart here (UK), it reminds me of that south park episode lol! I might look into getting some mylar for the next lot but dont have the money to be getting more stuff in yet :(...
  9. QueenBee

    Round 2-Lowryder2-cfl grow.

    Ah right, thanks! I want some more seeds but I have no money! Just read that youre a girl Hmmm, go us girlies, lol! Been comparing pics from Trinity at the same age as mine. Trinity's fatter!
  10. QueenBee

    Round 2-Lowryder2-cfl grow.

    What seeds are they? Off Trinity? Sorry I missed that one!
  11. QueenBee

    My CFL Lowryder 2 grow - first grow!

    C doesnt have nearly as much purple in her leaves as the other two (although her leaves are weird and not right from what I think is the heat from the old cupboard) which is interesting. When I feed them I do usually concentrate on her a little bit more and maybe give her more juice than the...
  12. QueenBee

    My CFL Lowryder 2 grow - first grow!

    Sure. Heres some from today Pics are A, A, C, C, G The pistils on A and C are turning brown quite quickly now. Still no fattening up of the buds tho!!!
  13. QueenBee

    My CFL Lowryder 2 grow - first grow!

    Aww that free cat pic is horrible!
  14. QueenBee

    My CFL Lowryder 2 grow - first grow!

    Cheers for the advice Hmmm. I gave them some nutes yesterday or the day before so maybe that will help but Im planning on chopping them at in less than 2 weeks (or one at least) so I think Ill just leave them and hope they make it through the next 2 weeks OK. It says from seed to harvest in 60...
  15. QueenBee

    My CFL Lowryder 2 grow - first grow!

    Are you not worried about them using a lot of leccy? If theyve been round to raid you before them they might have you on a list to keep checking up on you or something?! I dont know much at all about the HPS tho, but I thought they used more elecricity. What were you using before that made your...
  16. QueenBee

    My CFL Lowryder 2 grow - first grow!

    Did you get the CFLs or the other ones? Have you got lots of little seedlings now then or are you waiting for them to germinate?
  17. QueenBee

    Round 2-Lowryder2-cfl grow.

    She looks awesome!
  18. QueenBee

    My CFL Lowryder 2 grow - first grow!

    Oh the 125 watt ratio thing, do you mean the CFL's output is equivalent to a normal 125 watt bulb? Coz that wont be enough. Type 'Dual CFL 125w' search title and decription on ebay and you'll see what I mean. They also do 250w. Theyre like massive versions of an energy saving bulb! Ive heard...
  19. QueenBee

    My CFL Lowryder 2 grow - first grow!

    Supersam - I thought you said it was a 125w one but I cant remember now. You'd probably want a dual spectrum one so you have both types of light too. If you check ebay you can see what those ones look like. Theres feck all in my area at the mo, got some thai tonight, its not great (and has...
  20. QueenBee

    My CFL Lowryder 2 grow - first grow!

    I had mine under one 250w CFL for the first month (8 plants for 3 or 4 weeks then eventually just the 3 females). I only got another light because 3 didnt fit very well under just the one light. I think 1 125 CFL could get 2 half decent lowryders. I dont think the light would be very good...