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  1. QueenBee

    My CFL Lowryder 2 grow - first grow!

    Thankyou Dan, Im sticking with the thought that they are. Anyway tho they are what they are and I will love them either way :)
  2. QueenBee

    Round 2-Lowryder2-cfl grow.

    Im officially using Trinity as an example of what mine should look like! She looks so good. I hope mine grow up to be like her :) Any ideas when she'll be done? Is it meant to be 67 days or something?
  3. QueenBee

    My CFL Lowryder 2 grow - first grow!

    Well that sucks. I love your helpful and cheering comments wackymack. Awesome
  4. QueenBee

    My CFL Lowryder 2 grow - first grow!

    Just some more pics from tonight. Pics are A, C, G and all together. C is the one Im most worried about, she has droopy leaves that dont look overly healthy. A and G seem fine now tho, I just want some major bud growth! For anyone interested in the el nino; I let them get way too dry and it...
  5. QueenBee

    My CFL Lowryder 2 grow - first grow!

    The 250 watt cfl should be fine, its been good for me so far. But is it a dual one coz youre meant to have blue light for the first few weeks then red light for flowering. Mine dont smell that much but then Im not bothered if they do so maybe Im not noticing it as much. Anyways, I think they...
  6. QueenBee

    Round 2-Lowryder2-cfl grow.

    Loving all the cats lol! Awww, I feel I should put a nice pic on, shes not really a scary kitty (apart from to mice - shes a lean mean mouse killing machine)
  7. QueenBee

    Lowryder2 Grow

    Just found your grow and have had a read. Theyre looking healthy. Have you got a fan now? Ive never used a fan but it is starting to get vary warm in the cupboard now. Ive found the big CFLs (125watt and 250w) pretty good, have you considered getitng one of those and using the little ones for...
  8. QueenBee

    Round 2-Lowryder2-cfl grow.

    Shes looking great, really bulking up now :D Is it true that cats love the plants? Mine hasnt taken an interest in them. Shes on guard for any tresspassers tho...
  9. QueenBee

    My CFL Lowryder 2 grow - first grow!

    Not sure what 20oz is in bottles! They were 2 litre bottles. It took 20 litres of soil to repot them so thats about 8 litres of soil each now. They are about 1 month old now - halfway! The AK-47 one looks good, I like the look of Lowberry. I tried pollinating a couple of bits last night...
  10. QueenBee

    My CFL Lowryder 2 grow - first grow!

    The girls got repotted last night. The tubs arnt that much deeper unfortunately but they are wider so they can spread out a bit more. I got some calcified seaweed and mixed that in with the new soil. They seem to be settling in OK. I also got some more nutes that are fot tomato plants but what...
  11. QueenBee

    My CFL Lowryder 2 grow - first grow!

    Mostly the bottom ones but some around the middle too :( Theyre only making my room smell a bit at the mo. I live by myself so its only really my mum coming round thats a problem but the amount of times shes come round when theres been smoke everywhere... dont think she'll notice / mind. Might...
  12. QueenBee

    My CFL Lowryder 2 grow - first grow!

    Theyve been smelling a bit now for a few weeks, they started off like tomato plant smell and became more and more weedy, now they just have a nice mix of each, nothing too strong... yet! A is having some problems tho :( Some of her leaves are going brown and patchy. Hoping its some sort of...
  13. QueenBee

    My CFL Lowryder 2 grow - first grow!

  14. QueenBee

    My CFL Lowryder 2 grow - first grow!

    Yea I plan on keeping them on 18/6 all the way through, thats why I dont know what to do! Finally measured them... A - 9 inches C - 13 inches G - 7 inches
  15. QueenBee

    My CFL Lowryder 2 grow - first grow!

    Thanks for the comments everyone! Well... I moved the smaller 125w light last night. I moved it down so instead of them both being above the plants the big ones on top and the little one is at the side - Im hoping this will let the light get to more of the plants. I opened the cupboard today...
  16. QueenBee

    My CFL Lowryder 2 grow - first grow!

    I have yet again forgotten to measure them but I will defo do it tomorrow. Heres some pics from today. First and second pics are of Crystabell, shes getting taller and is looking more buddy with little clusters of white hairs forming. Shes not very bushy tho Third pic is of A (still havnt...
  17. QueenBee

    Round 2-Lowryder2-cfl grow.

    Your new box is awesome! She looks very cosy, aww! Thanks mr west!
  18. QueenBee

    Round 2-Lowryder2-cfl grow.

    Sorry to be a complete pain in the arse mr west but was that off the little one? If so, what are you expecting from the big one?!
  19. QueenBee

    Round 2-Lowryder2-cfl grow.

    Mr west - do you remember how many grams roughly you got off the plants in your pics? Or arnt they there yet?! I still have no idea what to expect. They look so different its crazy, I knew they varied but thats a huge difference! I dont know if mine are going to shoot up or stay tiny like...
  20. QueenBee

    Round 2-Lowryder2-cfl grow.

    Cool pics mr west, mine are more that size too at the moment!