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  1. Urca

    Who is the worst person in existence right now and why?

    amenijad is just a puppet. im more concerned with the clerics who pull the strings
  2. Urca

    Who is the worst person in existence right now and why?

    you. lmao too many threads ;) jk jk vladimir putin. dont trust him and he has taken the hope of a truly democratic russia and crushed it.
  3. Urca

    Best weed you ever smoked!

    yeah my dad said that hash back then was great.
  4. Urca

    Best weed you ever smoked!

    my dad said there was a type of weed back in his day that was hella good... like panamanian something or the other? well basically my aunt tried to prove she was a big stoner to my dad and so he's like oh really? the next day he invited her to smoke some of the aforementioned weed and he got her...
  5. Urca

    Best weed you ever smoked!

    Ok mine would have to be raspberry kush and sour flower. The raspberry kush was the one hitter quitter though. so, lets hear it, whats your favorite?
  6. Urca

    Smoking injuries

    lol yeah i keep my hair away from the bowl just in case
  7. Urca

    Smoking injuries

    so my injury is healing nicely, unfortunately scabbed, and my first day of my internship went well.
  8. Urca

    Cosplay Corner

    be kraehe. i loved that anime
  9. Urca

    you know what they say about big buds..... ;)

    dude put your fucking tits away, against rules. you're a man anyway but still. wtf
  10. Urca

    Sexting is Becoming the Norm

    i hope he doesnt credit family guy with that. but you know the street goes both ways. some girls feel so cool to be 16 with a 23 yr old bf. and he sends her pics and he goes to jail. happened to some 18 yr old senior and a 15 yr old sophomore when i was in high school. her parents saw her...
  11. Urca

    I HATE Heat...

    i grew up in las vegas. some days it would be 116 out and i had to walk home from school. worst feeling ever. now that im back in ca, its a different kind of heat. gets hot but bearable. we are actually having a semi -cool summer. some days its really breezy and doesnt get above 80. other days...
  12. Urca

    Sexting is Becoming the Norm

    troll. like seriously. why attack her? thats not the only thing bad that happened to her sexually, but you wouldnt know that because you havent been around for a while. either way it gives you no right to talk to her like that
  13. Urca

    Sexting is Becoming the Norm

    jeeze so fucking hostile
  14. Urca

    Sexting is Becoming the Norm

    there is nothing wrong with it. but guys are like sooooo pushy with it, trying to get you to do it, and they call you a prude and etc when you say no. and yeah, i dont really like it, i prefer flirty, slightly sexual texts that bring a blush to your face without getting all raunchy with it.
  15. Urca

    Smoking injuries

    yeah i know but i think it was just a surface thing so it shouldnt scab.
  16. Urca

    Smoking injuries

    yeah last night. but wounds need to breathe so i am not dousing it in neosporin. when i washed it the first time to clean all the ash out of the wound i rubbed off some skin
  17. Urca

    that moment when.......

    you ash the blunt in your brother's car and get bitch slapped
  18. Urca

    Smoking injuries

    well its not actually of my full boob, and im like fuck it. i just zoomed in on to the burn and snap.
  19. Urca

    Smoking injuries

    lol your welcome i think.
  20. Urca

    Smoking injuries

    it happened