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  1. sacpirate

    Please Help: Accident Making Canna-Butter Differently...

    just melt. do not ever "boil"
  2. sacpirate


  3. sacpirate

    Browning edges after major mite infestation. Are the mites the cause?

    like i dont wanna click ur pic or fear of them jumping off my screen lol
  4. sacpirate

    Browning edges after major mite infestation. Are the mites the cause?

    you got it. u have a MAJOR infestation on ur hands my man. i would start over too :neutral:
  5. sacpirate


    personally i like the cheap ass jiffy pellets from walmart for cloning. like 5$ for 50 and they last forever on the shelf. i also use them to sow seeds. took 225 cuts yesterday and taking 200 more ttoday :mrgreen:
  6. sacpirate


    so its just like the rest of your ideas....
  7. sacpirate

    Browning edges after major mite infestation. Are the mites the cause?

    if only 7 in veg u should remove all the mite infected leaves so eggs cant hatch. i assure u the plant will thank u with vigorous growth. plus it will be easier to spray next time
  8. sacpirate

    Lollipops... HELP.

    we use vegetable glycerin tincture in ours. its sweet already
  9. sacpirate

    Mariujana Today... Pics of our plants and gardens!

    6 purple kush in roots original under 600 mh ready to go into #3 pots and under 1000hps next week. been alternating between earth juice sugar peak and gh flora duo
  10. sacpirate

    hydropot grow juice grow/bloom???

    anyone ever run these??? got a free gallon of grow and free gallon of bloom today. i wanna support these guys as they are a friend of a friend and local to my city but im reluctant to get away from GH.
  11. sacpirate

    Cloning for sex

    preflowers are sex image search male and female preflowers for cannabis
  12. sacpirate

    Cloning for sex

    ive taken clones from plants 17days into flower. they root slower and u have to spin ur wheels for 30 days while they figure out wtf happened and revert back to veg. so between the 14+ days of rooting and the 21-30 days reveg taking a clone from a flowering plant is not the brightest idea. so...
  13. sacpirate

    Any OG guys here OR

    maybe put a germination mat under the pot to help warm the roots a bit? if u air cool ur lights then try removing the glass and dial the fan back a bit. has 20"x48" mats for 65-75$
  14. sacpirate

    Any OG guys here OR

    og is a bitch lol. my 91chemdog pheno had serious reding in my last round but didnt seem to cause any issues. i think its from the cold as my temps get below 50 occasionally. id advise a long veg period of 45-60 days and scroging it
  15. sacpirate

    Time limit between doctor exam and registering with the state

    is that for all patients or only farmers? out here in California we dont have to register with the state unless u run a dispensary
  16. sacpirate

    My girls start to get yellow

    normally id agree with ya but he has enough air exchange available to speed up his fans and reduce ambient humidity enough to do a light spray and be just fine. ur method sounds just fine as well my man
  17. sacpirate

    Post Your Purple Pics

    next round of purple kush...goin in the flower tent as soon as above garden gets harvested
  18. sacpirate

    Post Your Purple Pics

    my sour patch on 57...i let them go 65-75. not sure where the purple comes from as it was bag seed from a romulan/sour d garden and one bean had a killer pheno so i kept her around. these are in a 4x4 tent under 1k in #3 pots roots original gh base and my own mix of additives
  19. sacpirate

    My girls start to get yellow

    u have a sevear N deficiency that probably started when they started the transition to flower. when they are in that strech phaze they grow a a super accelerated rate for 7-21 days depending on strain of course. they use a shit load of N in this phase so its not a wise time to skimp on the...