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  1. B

    Curling sugar leaves/deformed buds

    And mate I'm fucked tbh I live in the UK and every 3 years we have these gas inspections I have untill the 30th when there due so I need to harvest the day before or buy an invisible cloak for her as she doesn't fit through any door but in my eyes and knowledge I don't think she's going to be...
  2. B

    Curling sugar leaves/deformed buds

    Yeah mate it's down Ive cut it out had to take 2 of the shit buds of with it but the top cob on that branch looks fine every morning and night I spend a good hour looking over every bud site and branch its driving me mad think it will be the last time I do an outdoor and bring indoor for...
  3. B

    Curling sugar leaves/deformed buds

    Absolutely gutted I added an extra 200w hps and over night I think the humidity went insane as woke up today and 1 lower branch had mould could not fucking beleive it don't understand how 1 200w hps could cause it to rise that bad over night but as you can see by one of the pics the mould I found
  4. B

    Curling sugar leaves/deformed buds

    Okay I don't think I'll spray her then
  5. B

    Curling sugar leaves/deformed buds

    Cheers mate might just be worrying over nothing I'm off to spray her with water today I feel like the catterpilas have left some shit on the lower buds that need cleaning off from what I read any bacitera like catty shit can cause harm to the buds and I swear my lower one's look fucked.. Its...
  6. B

    Young plant droopy

    Agree with the rest 100% light starved get it out of that cup aswell and into a pot what lights are you using and what soil? You have good drainage in that cup don't you?
  7. B

    How long left??

    Outdoor stardawg that I brought indoors during flowering due to the shit weather. I was wondering how long people think she has left? My reason behind asking is in England we have these stupid gas and electric checks every 3 years mine is fucking due in 2 weeks on Monday!!! Fucking nobody is...
  8. B

    What have I done to this plant and can it recover

    That may not have made much sense I'm fucking high as hell and its nearly 1am Hahaha
  9. B

    What have I done to this plant and can it recover

    I've just checked that link out for an extra 20-30 quid not even that you can get a 200-400w led and you'll use fuck all electric running led it's the cheapest option in lights.... As your growing 1 plant I'd sack the tent off waste of money it really is unless you have no where that's out the...
  10. B

    What have I done to this plant and can it recover

    Your plant is just lacking light 5 hours outdoor is terrible I know you bring her indoor but your normal household bulb won't give her what she needs right now shes not a seedling
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    What have I done to this plant and can it recover

    I'm from the UK too mate and at this time of year you should be around the same stage as me in flowering... you'll get nothing off that If you leave it outside now. by the time it goes into flower the winter has hit us and you know what our shitty English weather is like... In my opinion you...
  12. B

    Curling sugar leaves/ deformed buds?

    That's the branch the catterpilas where on mate think that's what has caused this to happen
  13. B

    What have I done to this plant and can it recover

    I use a 600w hps for my baby.. I vegged her outdoors but then the weather got shit and decided to flower indoors she's not far off done.. I've had to deal with catterpilas, re potting her 4 times been a right fuck about mate.. I'd get her indoors under light ASAP... You'll be good with a 200w...
  14. B

    Curling sugar leaves/ deformed buds?

    What do you mean? I can't see where your on about haha I'm pretty fucking high but my pistols haven't had a trim lmao
  15. B

    Curling sugar leaves/ deformed buds?

    Hey guys my main top branch cobs look fine and so do every top cob on every other branch its the lower buds that seem to be looking deformed and the sugar leaves curling up... I did have a caterpillar problem which seems to be resolved. Could this be the after affect of the stress they caused?
  16. B

    Curling sugar leaves/deformed buds

    Seem to have a problem with the lower buds looking a slight deformed and some of the sugar leaves curling up... Did have a caterpillar problem which seems to have been sorted. Could this be the after affect due to stress?? Top buds all perfect as you can see but the lower branches seem so...
  17. B

    What have I done to this plant and can it recover

    5 fucking hours wtf! Man give that bitch some sun!! Want 12 minium!!!
  18. B

    A constant battle for last month!

    Hey guys here we have my outdoor stardawg plant she's now been indoors about a month and half under a 600whps but for the last month I keep finding these little fucking catterpilas I keep taking them off its been a month now and I still find the odd little one. I can't buy bt spray in the UK...
  19. B

    My first outdoor organic grow UK

    And yes she is quite leafy lol I was thinking is she to leafy!! But then the research I've done always leads to the same answer. everyone is different and has had big yeilds from doing high defolation and low so I'm just gonna take off the ones not serving purpose anymore or shading any bud...