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  1. B

    Turning hermie!! Harvest now or no??

    I check my baby over every morning and night i noticed straight away I know mate it's fucking horrible plant was doing amazing! Looking at 15 oz when finished if not more at I'll lose at least a quarter I think now if not more them buds would have gotten so fat in 2 weeks
  2. B

    Turning hermie!! Harvest now or no??

    No mate took of 3 bud sites on the lower branch pulled out 4 seeds fucking gutted
  3. B

    Harvest now or leave!!?? Help????

    It's for personal but still I don't want to be picking out shit loads of seeds every time I want a smoke. How long does this process take to fully turn her with seeds
  4. B

    Turning hermie!! Harvest now or no??

    I've put a few posts up already to no avail can someone please tell me if I should harvest tonight save what I can I had a fucking catterpila problem that stressed her out that much she turned hermie I noticed this the other day she's easily got 2 weeks left but I don't know I'm fucking gutted...
  5. B

    Harvest now or leave!!?? Help????

    We don't have that in the UK
  6. B

    Harvest now or leave!!?? Help????

    Thanks for your reply mate.... My problem is she's turning herme due to stress I don't think it's hit in full force yet just a few lower bud sites having the odd seed im gutted.. I'll have a good read of that article now think I'm losing the battle tho and feel like if I leave her she's going...
  7. B

    Harvest now or leave!!?? Help????

    She's no where near ready is she guys I'm fucked ain't I
  8. B

    Harvest now or leave!!?? Help????

    Guys eveything has gone to shit last 2 weeks I had a catterpila problem which I thought I could sort with picking them off and soapy water but fuck was I wrong!!!! Now I'm still finding them but there killing my little buds there dying!!! Also the stress from them is turning her herme!!!! I cut...
  9. B

    First outdoor in a few years (stardawg)

    Fuck my life she's now turning herme!!!!!! Do I harvest now????
  10. B

    Help!!! 2 weeks left!!!

    Yeah mate it's the worst working 50 hours a week coming home every night to sort her out it's stressful fuck knows why I decided to veg for so long before 12/12 she would of been done ages ago worst thing for me is I have a gas inspection on the 30th!! Got no way out of it so I either try hide...
  11. B

    Hermies Again

    Thanks mate ill do some research now and look up a pic so I know to keep an eye on her
  12. B

    Hermies Again

    A bit like this? I'm 2 weeks away aswell and my buds seems to be going just how yours are.... how will I know if she's herme??? It's my First grow its only my lower branches that are going a bit strange tops are fine.. I'm using 600w boost hps aswell UK also
  13. B

    Help!!! 2 weeks left!!!

    Thanks mate ill try not to stress over it to much she's had her fair share of problems so this is just another one... I'm so glad I have like 14 days left if that. I can finally have a break from worrying every day whilst I'm at work haha but yeah as long as you don't think it's anything serious...
  14. B

    Help!!! 2 weeks left!!!

    Guys I need help!! Wtf is going on with my lower buds all curling up I did have a caterpillar problem a bit ago I find the odd one on her now and then been spraying with soapy water to try rid of them and so far it's worked as literally I scan her every morning and night for an hour and find...
  15. B

    First outdoor in a few years (stardawg)

    Thanks mate appreciate the reply... It could be heat stress you could be right I also dealt with catterpilas not long ago still find the odd little cunt hiding but nothing to major I'm running 600w boost hps light
  16. B

    First outdoor in a few years (stardawg)

    But wouldn't that make the top buds have light burn being closer... I 100% don't think light burn but I'm no expert these are buds on the side
  17. B

    First outdoor in a few years (stardawg)

    Mate I don't get this why are my sugar leaves curling up and some buds not filling out just look shit I mean look at these buds all the top cobs look nothing like this
  18. B

    First outdoor in a few years (stardawg)

    Yeah mate I regret it loads!! This girl has definitely come with her problems haha re potted 4 times, catterpilas, terrible winds that bent her few months back lol. So to say she's doing this well is amazing I'll show you a picture of how bad she was before I reported her into her recycling tub...
  19. B

    First outdoor in a few years (stardawg)

    Oh wow! 1.5 month dry and cure fuck me mate if I had the patience I would do the same thing. I can imagine it's some beautiful smoke when cured for that long haha and thanks man thinking last 2 weeks now.. Would you guys flush the last 2 weeks? No feed? And 600w hps and a 200w hps for side...
  20. B

    First outdoor in a few years (stardawg)

    I think I could of done alot better feel like I've left way to many leaves and at this point probably not best to take anymore off???? Cheers mate feel like I haven't posted on this thread for a bit as you can see by the pictures not to long left now