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  1. B

    Should I start defoliation

    Here we have my 5 month old photo outdoor plant now indoor due to strong 40mph winds... She's now in flower and Id say she has around 4-6 weeks left she's been through a lot just recently we have had crazy winds so I decided it's time to bring her in I'm now thinking of just finishing her off...
  2. B

    Pistols turning orange/brown to early!

    You was right it was just pre flower pistols turning a bit then loads of news ones came out of no where!! New pics she's doing a beast!!! The reason I'm so hyped is this was a random fucking seed she has been re potted 5 times! No feed through out the whole god damn process!! She's an organic...
  3. B

    Is it to late for topping??????

    #27 New pics she's doing a beast!!! The reason I'm so hyped is this was a random fucking seed she has been re potted 5 times! No feed through out the whole god damn process!! She's an organic English female beast! I know compared to most she's still a small plant but she's beaten all odds of...
  4. B

    Can I re pot in flower. In need of urgent help!

    New pics she's doing a beast!!! The reason I'm so hyped is this was a random fucking seed she has been re potted 5 times! No feed through out the whole god damn process!! She's an organic English female beast! I know compared to most she's still a small plant but she's beaten all odds of even...
  5. B

    First outdoor in a few years (stardawg)

    New pics she's doing a beast!!! The reason I'm so hyped is this was a random fucking seed she has been re potted 5 times! No feed through out the whole god damn process!! She's an organic English female beast! I know compared to most she's still a small plant but she's beaten all odds of even...
  6. B

    Leafs are droppy during flowering

    I'm in the UK mate and I'm watering my girl 10 litres every 2-3 days she's drinking alot in this heat its normal. I had a root bound issue last week she's finally starting to go back to normal since re potting but fml I was so worried about her
  7. B

    Can I re pot in flower. In need of urgent help!

    Thought I'd upload as she's finally back to her normal self I'd say she has around 8 weeks left could be wrong tho haha
  8. B

    First outdoor in a few years (stardawg)

    Got some new pics this morning
  9. B

    Is it to late for topping??????

    Been a few weeks thought I'd post 2 quick pics I took before work there not great so will take better ones in the morning she's coming along a beaut
  10. B

    First outdoor in a few years (stardawg)

    Tbh there not great pics when I look back on them will take some better ones tomrorow
  11. B

    First outdoor in a few years (stardawg)

    Been a few weeks thought I'd grab 2 quick pics before work ill take some more tomrorow she's coming along a beaut
  12. B

    Leaf problems

    I did see your post earlier and there doing beautiful! going to be monsters through flower.. I'm having the exact same problem mine are in pre flower at the minute. don't get me wrong yours are alot bigger than mine but I'm UK lol, Im thinking it's either down to an under watering problem as I...
  13. B

    Pistols turning orange/brown to early!

    Cheers mate hope she does a beast Ah nice one this is my first outdoor grow I've done quite a bit of reasrch but this just didnt make sense guess I need to do more research lol but yeah nice one for the reply man
  14. B

    Pistols turning orange/brown to early!

    Cheers mate I just don't get how she could be hermie its blagged my head man
  15. B

    Can I re pot in flower. In need of urgent help!

    Haha yes we have, thank you again for your help. Yes I'm going to do some reasrch on defolation will help me massively... And well I gave her 10 liters on Saturday then it pissed it down with rain for 2 days straight she was drenched!! the soil is still miost 5 days on, I'm going to water her...
  16. B

    Pistols turning orange/brown to early!

    Why would i spray her with anything lmao she's organic as they come with hardly any feed wanted her that way and she's photo mate
  17. B

    Pistols turning orange/brown to early!

    Hey guys quick question and concern... I noticed yesterday that a few of the pistols had started to turn a browny/orange I thought this only happened when the bud was maturing. As you can see by pics she isn't anywhere near at all!!! I'm sure she has a good 6-8 weeks left she's an outdoor photo...
  18. B

    Can I re pot in flower. In need of urgent help!

    Thank you for your reply. Yeah I'm going to take off a few leaves every week nothing majour maybe 4 leaves a time hahaha probally pointless but keeps me at ease... Right I know I'm going to bore you again lol but I need to know why the hairs on my girl are turning brown/orange colour already...
  19. B

    Can I re pot in flower. In need of urgent help!

    Quick question I keep being told by indoor growers that I should remove leaves now like the fan leaves but aren't they what bring in the most source of energy to her? Unsure weather to start taking leaves off now