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  1. Ishrahnai


    Where was he a few months back then eh? My mate and at least three others I knew could of done with him. I bet the cure didn't make it to England cos of cut backs on the NHS. I seriously hope grandad is one of the lucky ones, whole heartedly.
  2. Ishrahnai

    Hanoi Jane

    Food beats hate every time, yummyyummyyummy put some love in your tummy.
  3. Ishrahnai

    Positive people required!!

    It's a humorous bit of naval history. I'll save you the search time, way back when as sailors were away at sea for so long they'd need to relieve certain sexual urges. Soooooo as women were bad luck and all that they took a fresh young lad with them who sat on a wooden peg or 'plug' so he'd be...
  4. Ishrahnai

    What Are You Listening To?

    Check out the dude dancing, I wonder if he shows people that as his 'famous for five minutes'
  5. Ishrahnai

    What Are You Listening To?

  6. Ishrahnai

    Your favorite sayings

    Freezing brass monkeys. Nautically based saying we use all the time in Blighty.
  7. Ishrahnai

    Hanoi Jane

    Sure, but I'm always trying to see things from all angles when I deal with any situation or events. Pragmatic, not overly emotional so you can really see as much of the picture as poss. We learn history from those that were there and recorded it as they experienced it. A personal account is...
  8. Ishrahnai

    Positive people required!!

    Wow man, an actual sailor. I wasted my fingers typing that then eh? So do you know the phrase 'plug boy', I'm honestly not taking the piss if you do, if you don't you'll have a giggle as i did when an old guy on site we used to banter with called me it. Lol
  9. Ishrahnai

    Positive people required!!

    Just to bore you with the origins of that phrase. It come from the brass triangles they used to store cannon balls on, ye olde sail ships n stuff. The triangles were called monkeys and when it was cold they'd shrink and the cannon balls would fall off and roll about. "Aaaargh cap'n. The balls...
  10. Ishrahnai

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    Yeah, growing is a part of who I am. My dream job would be working at the ministry of cannabis, or at the very least live somewhere where it's legal to grow so I could build my dream lab and not live in fear that my souls passion would affect my soul mate and daughter. Them's the cards I've...
  11. Ishrahnai

    Hanoi Jane

    Thanks Sunni, hadn't read that article and I'm always up for having my eyes opened to all the information. People being sold out by their own and subsequent torture and deaths is something I'm more than a little sensitive about. In fact it's one of the few things that I 'bite' on as war related...
  12. Ishrahnai

    New grower and new cfl grow

    I did a couple of grows with 250w CFL's and had some very nice results, yield wise it didn't set the world alight but the smoke was ace. I'll be checking in to see how it goes for you, dunno where you live but that's one toasty room Youve got.
  13. Ishrahnai

    Light Fuse and get away!!!

    Damn it man! That is whopper of a space, I'm suffering some major size envy. I'm building a scrog box because I have so little space since I moved. Can't wait to see your colossus when it's going, good luck!! Ish
  14. Ishrahnai

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    Before we moved middle of last year my garage was much like your heaven space. My S.O has her Buddhist shrine/prayer area and I had my shrine. We moved to a place that was infinitely better for my daughter but I have been without my space as there's not been enough room for my tents. I'm now...
  15. Ishrahnai

    What are you smoking today?

    Cheese and deisel in the trusty vape.
  16. Ishrahnai

    Hanoi Jane

    Well said, if people like that were truly sorry they would've tried to heal the hurt so they could live with themselves. I can't imagine being so cruel and murderous in the first place. During war though both sides commit atrocities, nothing good can come of it depending on perspective. If she...
  17. Ishrahnai

    How to avoid bad Acid Trips?

    The bad trip I described above is the only truly bad trip I've had. The reason I say this because there was no facing of past demons or the resulting soul cleanse. It was pure vibe destruction. I agree with what you say, being able to face suppressed issues with the ego and bullshit free...
  18. Ishrahnai

    What Are You Listening To?

    Groove is in the heart is a contender for being played at my funeral. Not being morbid and hopefully it's a long way off, but I have a wicked vision of people grooving in to the church to it!!!!!lol
  19. Ishrahnai

    Positive people required!!

    Absolutely freezing brass monkeys! I don't mind cold or snow, unless it makes its way through and eats my feet. Once my toes are ice, I'm done......... Home for a nice cup of tea and a vape! How's about you, wherever you are?
  20. Ishrahnai

    How to avoid bad Acid Trips?

    Who you're with and where you are is a big deal. Only takes say a pissed bloke jibbering at you sometimes to put things on a strange slant. Here's an example ; Mushrooms, not acid. Three of us, good friends who tripped together in all sorts regularly. Sat in a flat having the best time, really...