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  1. Ishrahnai


    If you can be bothered, at some point making authentic butter chicken I would highly recommend. Not the healthiest dish in the world but one of the tastiest.
  2. Ishrahnai

    Too Rolling Stoned Coffee Shop

    The whole album is one of the best I've heard in a while, meaty. Here's something I listened to earlier, more chill but a classic. I have posted this in another thread today but it really suits the head I've had on today.
  3. Ishrahnai

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    Mmmmmmmmm biiiiig bowls.
  4. Ishrahnai

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    Too busy at work to have it at a normal time, just had a cold pasty some chocolate milk and a deisel vape in the car at lunchtime!! Not bad I think eh?
  5. Ishrahnai

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

  6. Ishrahnai

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

  7. Ishrahnai

    Positive people required!!

    Mmmmm it makes me chuckle every time I think about it. You know , this thread is my first checked every day sister and I will post in it every day if I can but we defo need to push our product on the masses. I stick as positive an oar into every thread I can but for now here's a tune that...
  8. Ishrahnai

    What Are You Listening To?

  9. Ishrahnai

    What Are You Listening To?

  10. Ishrahnai

    What Are You Listening To?

  11. Ishrahnai

    Your favorite sayings

    As much use as a chocolate teapot, inflatable dartboard.
  12. Ishrahnai

    New grower and new cfl grow

    Not sure where you live but it must already be fairly hot. It is surprising how much those big CFL's give off particularly in cabs/boxes. I had a 700mm x 700mm x 1200mm box with at one stage with one plant flowering in it tucked away in my garage. It had 2 x 250w CFLs in it and in summer it was...
  13. Ishrahnai


    Not just one man but
  14. Ishrahnai

    The Effects of Marijuana on the Lungs May Not Be As Bad As You Thought

    Mmmmm, I smoke the odd joint when I'm at some kind of shindig but vape is definitely the way.
  15. Ishrahnai

    Sending good vibrations out to everyone

    If it's ladies that need some positive energy then your damn skippy I'll send some vibes. I'm trying to send positivity out there as much as I can these days. I and others have noticed a lack of the stuff out there/ in here. @roseypeach.
  16. Ishrahnai

    hey people new dude over here need some help

    It's a fairly aggressive way of training your ladies and if done right can make you plants do as they're told and boost yield. I go for LST myself 'low stress training' but there are tutorials on here and you tube. Just type it in and make your mind up, it's nice to have plenty of info. I don't...
  17. Ishrahnai

    Your favorite sayings

    Naaaah, it's not as good and you were here first. I'll catch ee drekly my ansome.
  18. Ishrahnai

    Can extraterrestrial aliens travel throughout the galaxies? or are they bound to one galaxy?

    Like the man says, you can't rule the possibility out but it's pretty far from our collective comprehension. I'd like to think that any beings that had that ability HAD figured out how to not kill everything and that they'd been here already and just chilled all incognito. Had a quiet laugh at...
  19. Ishrahnai

    ever heard the saying ......

    I was about to mention that when I read your post.
  20. Ishrahnai

    ever heard the saying ......

    Yeah I'm from Blighty too and I've not heard that one either.