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  1. Ishrahnai

    The human condition

    A pooooond of whut?
  2. Ishrahnai

    The human condition

  3. Ishrahnai

    The human condition

    We can all see wikapedia's definition of the human condition but what I'd like to to know is how long we can last as a species carrying on the way we do? We all know the things that are wrong with the world yet collectively we all fail to really do anything about it. One example is our...
  4. Ishrahnai

    Official nicest vagina on rollitup thread

    Though most of us like them tight, a good friend of mine says a wet wizards sleeve is what he likes.
  5. Ishrahnai

    Official nicest vagina on rollitup thread

    Yeah nobody likes disco minge.
  6. Ishrahnai

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    I had a big fat hamster called Dali once, spent half his time hanging off his cage roof. He went missing after/during a party some years ago. I'd like to think he was out there somewhere with stuffed cheek pouches, perhaps he's making surreal art? Though perhaps not :(
  7. Ishrahnai

    Too Rolling Stoned Coffee Shop

    Glad to hear you're riding a positive wave man. Every day a gift, good people, good tunes, good weed and that with things going your way is a groovy thing.
  8. Ishrahnai


    No worries, you'll not be sorry. Worth the effort. Serve with boiled rice and naaaaaaaaan. Enjoy :mrgreen:
  9. Ishrahnai


    Damn man you've got a point, I'm all about spreading some positivity these days too..... I marinade my chicken over night in fresh plain organic yogurt (half cup) juice of a couple of limes freshly ground cumin and corriander seeds in the Pestle and mortar smash (powder) those seeds with cloves...
  10. Ishrahnai


    I'll never divulge my complete recipie, that and crispy aromatic duck are like my 'signature' dishes but here's one that's nearly identical. It's fairly time consuming particularly as I marinade my own tandoori chicken over night first(if not for at least 6 hours)...
  11. Ishrahnai

    Positive people required!!

  12. Ishrahnai

    Positive people required!!

  13. Ishrahnai

    What Are You Listening To?

  14. Ishrahnai

    What Are You Listening To?

  15. Ishrahnai

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    Blue cheese, cheese, deisel and the last of my ISO oil. Mmmmm
  16. Ishrahnai

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    It's 7:15pm here soooo
  17. Ishrahnai

    stealth sauder cab

    I like the thread, I moved a few months ago and likewise none of my tents can be accommodated with the new space. I'm just starting to build by first 'scrog box' and I'm thinking of using LEDs for the first time. I've spoken to a lot if mates and of course trawled RIU for bits of info. Always...
  18. Ishrahnai

    Sending good vibrations out to everyone

    Aaaaah haaaaa! A plethora of people promoting positivity! I like it Not sure if I prefer the morecombe and wise version.