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  1. kodomo

    Homebox S, Soil, cfl and hps, W.Widow, S. Cough, Blueberry

    The latest update, I ve solved my pest problem with my organic mix and now have installed a supersonic and ultramagnetic pest control device. Still the growroom is hot, and my growth is therefore slow, but they are healthy nonetheless... Day 41 from seed (I have made a miscalculation earlier)...
  2. kodomo

    Homebox S, Soil, cfl and hps, W.Widow, S. Cough, Blueberry

    And the photo is taken on day 48 from seed, I had a stunted grow during first weeks because of overheat, everything seems better now.
  3. kodomo

    Homebox S, Soil, cfl and hps, W.Widow, S. Cough, Blueberry

    Ok this is the latest update with the two plants transplanted to two other pots, I gave all of them half strength PK13/14 and TNT Complex
  4. kodomo

    Homebox S, Soil, cfl and hps, W.Widow, S. Cough, Blueberry

    I know most prefer to write their growjournals on their own without other people s messages But I would be delighted to hear frm you guys :) So dont hesitate to write please...
  5. kodomo

    Homebox S, Soil, cfl and hps, W.Widow, S. Cough, Blueberry

    They were mites, I took immediate action. There is an organic diy solution consisting of: 1liters of water, 2 spoons of sunflower oil, there is an organic soap, called arabic soap in where I live, 2 spoons of that, plus very little amount of mashed garlic, like a tablesoon. This is sprayed...
  6. kodomo

    Homebox S, Soil, cfl and hps, W.Widow, S. Cough, Blueberry

    I have bring down the temps to 29 when lights are off and 35 (in celsius) when lights are on, I think it helped, I had to get an ac which works with water and consumes less than 60watts, also I started adding ph down when watering as my water is around 7.5ph when untreated. I hope nothing else...
  7. kodomo

    Homebox S, Soil, cfl and hps, W.Widow, S. Cough, Blueberry

    Sorry I couldnt make an update for long, her is the latest pic
  8. kodomo

    Help a Widow get her dignity back :)

    I cant decide the problem, can you help out, here is the pic
  9. kodomo

    Help! My plants going FREAKY!!!

    These are two white widows and a blueberry. They seem to be all over the place, it looks like there are several nodes coming out together in everyway, leaves turning sideways in one of them, some color deficiencies as well. I had heat problem where my heat was over 105 but now I have taken it...
  10. kodomo

    Please Help! Cant Figure out (soil, cfl, homebox)

    Ok, I put a mini ac unit just outside my homebox, the ones that work with water. I will be posting the results tomorrow Do you think my plants can grow if temps reduce or they are already gone...
  11. kodomo

    Please Help! Cant Figure out (soil, cfl, homebox)

    I see, so the problem is the heat, do you think the fan system would help it, extracting the air out may reduce the temp? altough it s hot on the outside too... I will put the plastic bottles, tonight, lets see if it works, are there any other alternatives for cooling I will put cooltube when I...
  12. kodomo

    Please Help! Cant Figure out (soil, cfl, homebox)

    Hey, my plants are in veg now so they are under 5 85watts 5700k cfl lights in a homebox small. They are white widow, blueberry and strawberry cough. I cant figure out my problem, they seem not to grow. It has been 14 days since they sprouted out of the soil. The soil is 6.5ph. I have heat...
  13. kodomo

    Homebox S, Soil, cfl and hps, W.Widow, S. Cough, Blueberry

    My tent is way too hot The temps are around 104 to 110 Fahrenheits (40-44celsius) That is the reason why they are growing slowly I guess But none of them has curly leaves or whatever, they look healthy but grow small My fan system is coming next week, hopefully it will help Altough it is very...
  14. kodomo

    Homebox S, Soil, cfl and hps, W.Widow, S. Cough, Blueberry

    Ok, they are on day 10 since sprouting. They started showing up on 19th of May. Today I started feeding them with half a dose of root complex and tnt here we start with the blueberry, it seems it grows a little slower this is my strawberry cough feminized here is my strongest white widow...
  15. kodomo

    Homebox S, Soil, cfl and hps, W.Widow, S. Cough, Blueberry

    As of today I started feeding them little by little with TNT Complex and Root Mix by Hesi, lets see how it will turn out. Pic update coming up.
  16. kodomo

    Homebox S, Soil, cfl and hps, W.Widow, S. Cough, Blueberry

    I plan on changing the two weak ones with new seedlings, I am gonna germinate them outside between paper towels to catch up with the others, I think it would be the best choice. They started off bad, maybe its better not to push them. When do you think I should start adding the vitamins, I have...
  17. kodomo

    Homebox S, Soil, cfl and hps, W.Widow, S. Cough, Blueberry

    A pic update about my take on humidity dome. I am trying to be sure that is the problem, I am also inclined to think that maybe the roots are not getting enough air. The pots had no holes for dripping, so I opened 3 small holes at the bottom, the soil also has no perlite or anything like it...
  18. kodomo

    Homebox S, Soil, cfl and hps, W.Widow, S. Cough, Blueberry

    When should I start them feeding with root complex and TNT? They have sprouted on 19th of May...
  19. kodomo

    Homebox S, Soil, cfl and hps, W.Widow, S. Cough, Blueberry

    A pic update about my take on humidity dome. I am trying to be sure that is the problem, I am also inclined to think that maybe the roots are not getting enough air. The pots had no holes for dripping, so I opened 3 small holes at the bottom, the soil also has no perlite or anything like it...
  20. kodomo

    Homebox S, Soil, cfl and hps, W.Widow, S. Cough, Blueberry

    No, the hps is 400watts but 2100k (color temp) which is suitable for flowering I guess. The cfl s combined 425watts and 5700k which is for veg.