Please Help! Cant Figure out (soil, cfl, homebox)


Well-Known Member
Hey, my plants are in veg now so they are under 5 85watts 5700k cfl lights in a homebox small. They are white widow, blueberry and strawberry cough. I cant figure out my problem, they seem not to grow. It has been 14 days since they sprouted out of the soil. The soil is 6.5ph. I have heat problems, the growroom hits 40degrees celcius which is 104F. I cant seem to bring this down, it goes around 95 to 110F. There is an oscilating fan, I ordered a fan set, but outside the tent is hot as hell too. I cant fit an AC in my room where I have put the Homebox too.
Here are some pics for you to see

The second from top is my healthiest plant which is a white widow, but even that seems slow , the rest I really dont know whats going on!!!




Well-Known Member
Heat like that is a killer, I'm surprised they're still alive. You have to get the heat down.
The cheap trick I've seen in the forums is to put some frozen plastic bottles of ice near your air intake. This will give a bit cooler air flow into your tent. Don't know how much help it would be in such high temps.



Well-Known Member
I see, so the problem is the heat, do you think the fan system would help it, extracting the air out may reduce the temp? altough it s hot on the outside too...
I will put the plastic bottles, tonight, lets see if it works, are there any other alternatives for cooling
I will put cooltube when I go hps, but like I say it is cfl yet and is already hot :(


Well-Known Member
Fan will definitely help, pretty tough to grow in enclosed space without one. Exhaust fan at the top is best, pull hot air out top, pull in cooler air at bottom. Without - well it's not going to be pretty.



Well-Known Member
Ok, I put a mini ac unit just outside my homebox, the ones that work with water.
I will be posting the results tomorrow
Do you think my plants can grow if temps reduce
or they are already gone...


Well-Known Member
No harm to watch for a few days to see if they pickup. Most growers here shoot for temps under 85. Some strains can cope with heat better. Your white widow looked pretty good in your last picture.