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  1. kodomo

    The Importance Of Mixed Lighting

    I also prefer mixed lighting. I change the ratio of them according to the period. During veg I have 4 of 85watts CFL daylights (5700k) and 2 of 85watts warm white (2700k) When I go into flower it will be reversed as in there will be 4 warm whites and 2 daylights. I also supplement them with...
  2. kodomo

    510 actual watts CFL grow 6 female plants

    Here is a different angle :) I ve been feeding them 2liters of water everyday with 25ml of hesi tnt every other feeding.
  3. kodomo

    510 actual watts CFL grow 6 female plants

    Ok I decided to keep them at veg until 1st of August, will get me a much better yield most probably as they are growing quite fast nowadays
  4. kodomo

    510 actual watts CFL grow 6 female plants

    Daily update :) growth is going much better than first weeks where I had the heat issue and ph issue :)
  5. kodomo

    4 Weeks Flowering :: 1st Grow :: SUGARKUSH n BagSeed

    one little reminder, I couldnt be sure because of the photos are from the same angle dont let the drying buds touch each other, it may cause rotting as they are giving out the water, you want them to give that out to air, not each others surface :)
  6. kodomo

    6500k instead of 3500k for flowering?

    you can grow and flower with your lights, but if you use the correct temp for the light that is around the 2700k you will get better end results, maybe not much of a difference in weight, but the quality will be different. Think of it, if you have better and more healthy food, better sunlight...
  7. kodomo

    4 Weeks Flowering :: 1st Grow :: SUGARKUSH n BagSeed

    congrats on finisihing the sugarkush man :) have a good smoke looks like you have some frosty and nice looking buds there, and they look good :) it looks like it was the right time for harvest as well, so no worries...
  8. kodomo

    510 actual watts CFL grow 6 female plants

    I will try putting them sideways and see :) thanks Now here is the latest pics? some magnesium deficiency is clearly seen and some nute burn, but all is ok, it keeps getting better
  9. kodomo

    510 actual watts CFL grow 6 female plants

    I decided to change to 12/12 as monday morning. Sunday I will take a lot of photos as I am planning to take the plants out of the grow room, reclean my room, position my power switches and fans better. My ph tester is also on its way, I ll get it tonight, so I wont have ph problems anymore :)...
  10. kodomo

    Post Your CFL Setup!!!

    here is my setup with 6 of 85watts CFL lights :) and 4 of 120cm fluoros
  11. kodomo

    510 actual watts CFL grow 6 female plants

    Ok, here is the latest update, I am seeing very early pre flowers although I am still at 17/7, tomorrow is 16/8, so there is roughly 4-5 days to 12/12 :)
  12. kodomo

    510 actual watts CFL grow 6 female plants

    Yes, I am growing them organically, the medium is soil and my fertilizers are organic. The only thing I want to get is a ph tester now, that is one thing I am not benig able to control, I ll get one soon.
  13. kodomo

    510 actual watts CFL grow 6 female plants

    Thanks for all the ideas on reflectors guys :) here is very fast exposure photo for you to enjoy the actual colors of the lights, we cannot perceive this because of the intensity normally...
  14. kodomo

    510 actual watts CFL grow 6 female plants

    Ok, as a lot of you guys ask for a shot of the whole system, I did my best, but it is kinda crammed, where I put the homebox, so this is the best I could do. Here you can see the two fans, 4 of 85watts and 5700k cfl lights, 2 of 85 watts 2100k cfl lights along 4 grow fluoros from philips and...
  15. kodomo

    510 actual watts CFL grow 6 female plants

    I am using hesi nutrients, I used hesi root complex to start with, then I started using the TNT complex, and until now I havent changed that, in the coming week, when I change to 12/12 I will be using hesi Bloom, and after 3weeks of foering I am planning to add pk13/14 :) My soil is gartengold...
  16. kodomo

    510 actual watts CFL grow 6 female plants

    I started with only daylight meaning 5700k, but after 5 weeks, I introduced the warm whites while slowly lengthening the dark hours. It is now 18/6 Tomorrow it will be 17/7 and on and on until 12/12 :)
  17. kodomo

    510 actual watts CFL grow 6 female plants

    This a homebox small, 6 plants, 2 white widows, 2 strawberry coughs and 2 white widows 510 watts of CFL 85 watts per cfl, 4 of them daylight (5700k) 2 of them warm white (2700k) The soil is gartengold 5.5ph Here is the first shot of the coming series, I ll update everyday :) 2 months into...
  18. kodomo

    Urgent!!!! What is my problem?

    I have two rough ideas First one, my friend sprayed/misted them with an organic water based mix during light cycle, it may have burned them or The ph down we use has lowered the water ph down too much maybe?
  19. kodomo

    Urgent!!!! What is my problem?

    Here are some more to help out
  20. kodomo

    Urgent!!!! What is my problem?

    I have checked the stickies but I could not decide please help me out...