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  1. Coco bean

    RDWC what’s going wrong!!

    Local hydro shop
  2. Coco bean

    What’s going wrong !!

    Would using cal/mag as a foliage spray be an option ? I did read somewhere of using Epsom salts as a foliage spray ?
  3. Coco bean

    What’s going wrong !!

    Hope these help
  4. Coco bean

    What’s going wrong !!

    Light are about 30 inches away
  5. Coco bean

    RDWC what’s going wrong!!

    Not sure off hand which brand of silicon but using 1/2 mil per litre
  6. Coco bean

    Water pump size in RDWC

    20 litre pots are connected with 4 inch piping
  7. Coco bean

    Water pump size in RDWC

    Could it cause damage to the roots having such a powerful water flow ?
  8. Coco bean

    RDWC what’s going wrong!!

    They are very pale between green veins
  9. Coco bean

    RDWC what’s going wrong!!

    Hi, in need of some help,, 5 week old cutting have now been in R-dwc for 2 weeks, a couple of days ago started looking pale and are now getting worse,, Done a water change, ph 6, ec 1,, but no improvement,, Using AN, silicon and piranha, system connected to chiller at 18 degrees,
  10. Coco bean

    Water pump size in RDWC

    Hi, I have an 8 x 20 litre pot system that came with a water pump size of 4000 litres/h,, when cleaning the filter I found a few small roots, My question is , is this pump too powerful? C
  11. Coco bean

    What’s going wrong !!

    Hi, in need of some help,, 5 week old cutting have now been in R-dwc for 2 weeks, a couple of days ago started looking pale and are now getting worse,, Done a water change, ph 6, ec 1,, but no improvement,, Using AN, silicon and piranha, system connected to chiller at 18 degrees,
  12. Coco bean

    R-Dwc systems

    Looking at going towards RDWC, saw a 12 pot system by Urban at £400, a lot cheaper than others, has anyone used or heard any reviews about this system? Thanks,
  13. Coco bean

    Root rot or not !!

    I had the chiller set at 17 the first week but they weren’t growing any was told to keep seedlings at 20/24 so I upped to 20 and they shot up, there’s so much conflicting information about that you don’t know what to do,
  14. Coco bean

    Root rot or not !!

    I germinated the seeds in root riot rooting blocks and have been using piranha/ voodoo juice in bottled water from day one, I read not to change the water for the first 3/4 weeks but only to top up if needed, so friendly bacteria have time to grow
  15. Coco bean

    Root rot or not !!

    By the way, I always recommend reading an original post before commenting, I have a chiller connected set at 20 degrees,
  16. Coco bean

    Root rot or not !!

    There are two large air stones in the propagator and the temp is set at 68f, so they are getting plenty of oxygen, with using friendly microbes rot would of been the last thing I expected
  17. Coco bean

    Root rot or not !!

    They are only two weeks old so don’t have any nutrients in the water, only formulex which has no colour, there’s no smell and everything above is looking great,
  18. Coco bean

    Root rot or not !!

    Yes they’re microbial and a fungal,, I’ll keep a close eye on them, they’re showing no signs of problems up top, thank you.
  19. Coco bean

    Root rot or not !!

    Ok, any suggestions what it might be