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  1. Coco bean

    Root rot or not !!

    I’ve got 2 week old seedlings bubbling away in an X stream Propagator,, not using the mister but using two large air stones,, hooked up to a chiller keeping water temp at 20,, using AD voodoo juice and piranha and formulex in the water. Checked roots and about 3 of them had pale yellowy gunk on...
  2. Coco bean

    IWS flood timing

    I’ve got two big air stones in the tank and the chiller is set at 18 degrees
  3. Coco bean

    IWS flood timing

    I’m growing in an IWS flood and drain and was wondering how long to flood now that roots are out the bottom of the pots,, It takes 14 minutes to fill to the flood line and another 10 minutes to drain When first potted I set the timer for 14 minutes and then left to empty but now as the roots...
  4. Coco bean

    Odd leaves,, anyone help?

    Yes, check all the roots and they look fine, lots of them and all white. Been feeding them advanced nutrients A & B, B52 and hydroguard.
  5. Coco bean

    Odd leaves,, anyone help?

    Yes the ph is stable, between 5.7 fresh and about 6.1 by the end of the week.
  6. Coco bean

    Odd leaves,, anyone help?

    It’s iws flood and drain,
  7. Coco bean

    Odd leaves,, anyone help?

    It’s just on random leaves, about 2 or 3 leaves around the middle, new growth seems fine. They have a slight shiny look to them and just start curling, I touched one and it came off in my hand, I am clueless.
  8. Coco bean

    Odd leaves,, anyone help?

    Temperature is 24/25,, have an extraction fan which is connected to the light box to take heat out,,using MH lights on 250,,
  9. Coco bean

    Odd leaves,, anyone help?

    Two weeks into veg and plants are growing great,, but about half have now developed a couple of weird leaves, Was wondering if it was over / under watering but surely this would affect the whole plant not just a few leaves and I haven’t altered their feeds. Growing hydro, all nuits and ph in...
  10. Coco bean

    New growth turning yellow

    First is 1 hr after lights on,, then 6 hrs and 6 again,,
  11. Coco bean

    New growth turning yellow

    Yes meter is all calibrated and reading correct, I am going to change the reservoir today and will put nuits back up to 2.0,, I was a bit weary of adding another flood ( they were having 3) incase the root problem may of been caused my too much water :/
  12. Coco bean

    New growth turning yellow

    They were on 2.0 but were beginning to show signs of slight nutrient burn so 7 days ago dropped to 1.8 with a drop yesterday to 1.6,, maybe dropped too low ? Baffled why roots are looking a bit off :/
  13. Coco bean

    New growth turning yellow

    Reservoir temp is 20 and yes it’s clean, it’s changed weekly,,
  14. Coco bean

    New growth turning yellow

    Evening folks, growing in an IWS - flood and drain, feeding Advanced nutrients A & B with B52 and Hydroguard,, 1.6 and a 6.0 ph,, under 400w bulbs on an 18/6 ,,room temp is 24/26 with 50/60 rh,, Plants are 4 weeks from seed and being fed 3 times a day,, All looking lovely until a couple of days...
  15. Coco bean

    Seedlings getting spotty

    I sprayed when the lights were on,, I assume that’s wrong
  16. Coco bean

    Seedlings getting spotty

    Yes, spraying with nitrozym by growth technology,, could that be causing it ?
  17. Coco bean

    Seedlings getting spotty

    Growing hydro,, ph 5.9 ec 0.6,, Two week old seedlings are all showing silvery spots on leaves, done a problem search and all it keeps throwing up is Thrip,, I’ve examined each one and there is no thrip on any. Any ideas ,, thank you
  18. Coco bean

    Flowering,,leaves dying

    No not using RO water, was using cal-mag in veg then stopped but started using again a couple of days ago, If it’s a mg deficiency should I just up the cal-mag?
  19. Coco bean

    Flowering,,leaves dying

    Shall give it a try, have been looking online at what it could be but to me everything Looks the same ,,
  20. Coco bean

    Flowering,,leaves dying

    Hi everyone ,, first post first grow, Growing in hydro and the veg stage went perfect lovely green bushy plants,, turned to 12/12 18 days ago and things are going tits up!! I’ve checked ph/ec they are 6ph and I’ve got them at 1.4 under 400 lights. Leaves are beginning to discolour and dry out at...