Root rot or not !!

Coco bean

I’ve got 2 week old seedlings bubbling away in an X stream Propagator,, not using the mister but using two large air stones,, hooked up to a chiller keeping water temp at 20,, using AD voodoo juice and piranha and formulex in the water.
Checked roots and about 3 of them had pale yellowy gunk on them on some of the longer roots, am hoping this is not the start of root rot 84193663-BE94-4D55-99AE-DE63A0A378B2.jpeg84193663-BE94-4D55-99AE-DE63A0A378B2.jpeg


Coco bean

I don't know what all that stuff you're running is, but if any of it is microbial, could be that.

If you want peace of mind, just clip the roots above the yellow, but it doesn't look like rot st the moment.
Yes they’re microbial and a fungal,, I’ll keep a close eye on them, they’re showing no signs of problems up top, thank you.

Aqua Man

Well-Known Member
Often times nutrients will stain roots. I'm suspecting this is the case. With the nice white roots not being in the water and the roots below the water being stained from nutrients.


Well-Known Member
Often times nutrients will stain roots. I'm suspecting this is the case. With the nice white roots not being in the water and the roots below the water being stained from nutrients.
I guess he’ll see soon enough. Personally I would treat with 36% peroxide.


Well-Known Member
In Hydroponic gardening, there are harmful bacteria strains that will thrive in low oxygen content water. If your Hydroponic nutrient tank solution tends to be usually on the warm side at 70 degrees or more, your Hydroponic tank and your Hydroponic growing medium is more likely to be a breeding ground for harmful bacteria and pathogens. This is because room temperature or warm water holds very little oxygen in it. The warmer it gets, the less oxygen it holds.”.

Sorry about the bold. Not intentional. Copy and paste.

Coco bean

Often times nutrients will stain roots. I'm suspecting this is the case. With the nice white roots not being in the water and the roots below the water being stained from nutrients.
They are only two weeks old so don’t have any nutrients in the water, only formulex which has no colour, there’s no smell and everything above is looking great,


Well-Known Member
By the way, Coco. I always recommend chillers for hydro. Especially small scale hydro. Unnecessary? Maybe. Useful? Always.

Coco bean

In Hydroponic gardening, there are harmful bacteria strains that will thrive in low oxygen content water. If your Hydroponic nutrient tank solution tends to be usually on the warm side at 70 degrees or more, your Hydroponic tank and your Hydroponic growing medium is more likely to be a breeding ground for harmful bacteria and pathogens. This is because room temperature or warm water holds very little oxygen in it. The warmer it gets, the less oxygen it holds.”.

Sorry about the bold. Not intentional. Copy and paste.
There are two large air stones in the propagator and the temp is set at 68f, so they are getting plenty of oxygen, with using friendly microbes rot would of been the last thing I expected

Aqua Man

Well-Known Member
In Hydroponic gardening, there are harmful bacteria strains that will thrive in low oxygen content water. If your Hydroponic nutrient tank solution tends to be usually on the warm side at 70 degrees or more, your Hydroponic tank and your Hydroponic growing medium is more likely to be a breeding ground for harmful bacteria and pathogens. This is because room temperature or warm water holds very little oxygen in it. The warmer it gets, the less oxygen it holds.”.

Sorry about the bold. Not intentional. Copy and paste.
I wouldn't use peroxide in a live system. Either go live or sterile can't do both. What you posted is true but only half of the truth. All bacteria good and bad thrive in those conditions. The bacteria themselves consume oxygen and a bacterial bloom of any kind can lower o2 levels this is why teas needs high amount of aeration.

But with adequate o2 replenishment it's not of concern.

If your going to run a live system OP you will want to start seeding good bacteria right from the start. In a cloner I would also change the water every 3-4days there is not really a good place for bacteria to colonize in them so they will need to be replenished more often. If you are running live you will also want to use dechlorinated water.

I clone in rooting pucks and will seed with good bacteria in DO used to initially saturate them. This provides some decent area to colonize.

Personally I would just change the water every 3 days using tap water and start seeding with bacteria once you transplant. Personally I feel unless your willing to supplement bacteria weekly you need some media be it substrate or a filter that provides a good amount of surface area for bacteria colonies that is not completely submerged.


Well-Known Member
By the way, I always recommend reading an original post before commenting, I have a chiller connected set at 20 degrees,
By the way at 68 you’re not chilling enough AND many of us post with readers coming later. You seem to have all the answers. Best of luck. We’ll see you back and soon.

Coco bean

I wouldn't use peroxide in a live system. Either go live or sterile can't do both. What you posted is true but only half of the truth. All bacteria good and bad thrive in those conditions. The bacteria themselves consume oxygen and a bacterial bloom of any kind can lower o2 levels this is why teas needs high amount of aeration.

But with adequate o2 replenishment it's not of concern.

If your going to run a live system OP you will want to start seeding good bacteria right from the start. In a cloner I would also change the water every 3-4days there is not really a good place for bacteria to colonize in them so they will need to be replenished more often. If you are running live you will also want to use dechlorinated water.

I clone in rooting pucks and will seed with good bacteria in DO used to initially saturate them. This provides some decent area to colonize.

Personally I would just change the water every 3 days using tap water and start seeding with bacteria once you transplant. Personally I feel unless your willing to supplement bacteria weekly you need some media be it substrate or a filter that provides a good amount of surface area for bacteria colonies that is not completely submerged.
I germinated the seeds in root riot rooting blocks and have been using piranha/ voodoo juice in bottled water from day one, I read not to change the water for the first 3/4 weeks but only to top up if needed, so friendly bacteria have time to grow

Coco bean

By the way at 68 you’re not chilling enough AND many of us post with readers coming later. You seem to have all the answers. Best of luck. We’ll see you back and soon.
I had the chiller set at 17 the first week but they weren’t growing any was told to keep seedlings at 20/24 so I upped to 20 and they shot up, there’s so much conflicting information about that you don’t know what to do,

Aqua Man

Well-Known Member
I germinated the seeds in root riot rooting blocks and have been using piranha/ voodoo juice in bottled water from day one, I read not to change the water for the first 3/4 weeks but only to top up if needed, so friendly bacteria have time to grow
Absolutely right, just make sure to use dechlorinated water. I apologize for some reason I thought it was a bare root cloner. Sounds like you are right on the ball to me. If you are concerned maybe just seed the rooter again with bacteria.