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  1. M

    Put your coffee cup down idiot, YOU offend US

    According to Russian military salute statute can only be in uniform and with a hat on his head. It is not allowed to put a hand to the "empty head."
  2. M

    Questions on Winterizing small batches

    Washing off of the resin film from dishes is very uncomfortable, too much open surface to evaporate the alcohol and absorption of atmospheric moisture. It is more convenient to wash, when the resin film coating on interior surface of the circular or conical vessel, such as Pyrex-kettle. Then...
  3. M

    Crisis in the Ukraine

    Sure. Khrushchev is remembered as a rare idiot.
  4. M

    Crisis in the Ukraine

    Historical information for those interested. Since the end of the XV century the Crimean Khanate, carried out repeated attacks on Russian state and Poland. The main purpose of the raids - the capture of slaves and their resale to the Turkish markets. Russian-Turkish war of 1768-1774, marked...
  5. M

    Should the US support Israel forever ?

    I honestly think that at least there would be no ISIS
  6. M

    Does cured weed make more potent hash?

    with non-polar solvent
  7. M

    Genecide to Christians in Iraq
  8. M

    Bad year for Malaysia aviation.

    I thought you may run an Internet search on the picture. This is Igor Kolomoyskiy, one of the real owners and puppeteer of Ukraine and their public politicians, the owner of army units and air traffic control services, a person with a criminal past, now the governor and the main suspect in the...
  9. M

    Bad year for Malaysia aviation.

    Ask him ^ who pushed the button
  10. M

    Bad year for Malaysia aviation.

    If the grandmother had dick, she would be a grandfather. How many years it took to complete the victory over the Taliban?
  11. M

    Bad year for Malaysia aviation.

    In addition to what has been said in the video, now in Russia reported that 777 received from the dispatcher command and flew below the standard height. Was repeated that the Russian radar tracking stations recorded activity of Ukrainian anti-aircraft missiles "BUK (beech)" in the area of the...
  12. M

    Should the US support Israel forever ?

    A brief history of the land called Israel/Palestine/Canaan/the Levant. This Land Is Mine
  13. M

    World War 3?

    WWII began two years earlier.
  14. M

    Bad year for Malaysia aviation.

    This recording was supposedly made a day before the tragedy. It is possible that the Ukrainians shot, they have these weapons inherited from the USSR, and qualifications of their army is very degraded. There are reported data exchange between air defense systems of Ukraine just before the attack.
  15. M

    Qwet with 75%

    Why do you think that the heating during the distillation will not lead to the separation of water molecules from the crystal hydrate MgSO4 × 7H2O back into ethanol solution?
  16. M

    Hash and Oil Picture Thread

    Anyone can accidentally step in shit when there are fans of shitting on the footpath, or in dandy thread.