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    Hooligans against Salafists : Germany

    My disgust attitude toward fanatics, this is also racism?
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    Hooligans against Salafists : Germany

    Christopher Hitchens
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    Hooligans against Salafists : Germany

    Lars Vilks
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    War in Yugoslavia : lessons for today

    The forcible removal of organs for sale produces a much more savage impression than the traditional evil as murder and rape. This is an indelible national disgrace, not just retribution.
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    War in Yugoslavia : lessons for today

    These descendants of the Ottoman slave traders engaged in trade in human organs seized from Serbian prisoners. From the point of view of ISIS, it's okay if you pray correctly.
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    Making shatter smell/taste better? + Questions w/ technique

    No, I can not. I wrote it by mistake in a fit of misanthropic cognitive dissonance caused by extraneous factors, unrelated to discussed topic. Please accept my sincere apologies and regard this record invalid.
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    Making shatter smell/taste better? + Questions w/ technique

    Many (or most) of them are polar and water-soluble.
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    You are very flexible. Now I understand why you're doing yoga. Together with Russia, you need to enclose the wall another third world country - Denmark, there is also a nightmare bigots. According to the poll of local residents, 76% of Danes supported the initiative to ban people having sex...
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    Do you want to make a concentration camp for the wrong people? It is a strong idea, but not a new one. It often happens that history repeats itself cyclically. In Russian saying this is called "stepping on a rake for the second time." The first concentration camp was established in Russia in...
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    So you "n-word" and homo? Congratulations, you have a tremendous erudition! Zworykin - inventor of television, and Sikorsky - the famous designer of American helicopters, you know what it is? It looks like a flying banana. Try to read something else, besides hemp forum, maybe you will become...
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    You seem to be surprised? There is not and has never been a contradiction. Moreover, this situation is not unique, and quite typical. Notes on the financing of militarized ultra-nationalists by Ukrainian Jewish oligarchs can be found here -...
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    I do not think it will affect the oil trade. The first idea of erecting a wall between Ukraine and Russia gave the oligarch and the governor of the Dnipropetrovsk region Igor Kolomoisky in June 2014. The project for the construction of the wall length of 1920 kilometers and the cost of 100...
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    Can you "burn" cannabis oil?

    You unmasked myth of the sacred significance of fragrances for psychoactivity.
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    ethanol extraction

    What about Moon?
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    It's a bad week for Russians

    That is not true. What makes you think that? I am an ordinary citizen, I live in Moscow and have access to all information sources. How else could I be here? Who among us sacrifice one-sided propaganda?
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    Whites are Superior

    they squat facing the wall
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    shatter/ autobutter

    I'm not sure that I understand correctly the terms, do you distinguish autobuddering from waxing up? With bubbles or no bubbles?
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    shatter/ autobutter

    Is that your assumption or you yourself watched autoupwaxing of winterized extract?