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  1. fishindog

    My Stealth Closet Grow!! Must See!!!! #2

    Haha my bad man bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie Ill try and not make you guys wait so long next time :bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint:
  2. fishindog

    bb blue cheese + jamaican lambsbread first grow!

  3. fishindog

    big fridge 400w hps 4 plants

    thanks man
  4. fishindog

    big fridge 400w hps 4 plants

    The gumby method thanks man, i think thats the method im going to use to get the most out of my trimmings when i harvest bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie
  5. fishindog

    My Stealth Closet Grow!! Must See!!!! #2

    ummm i dunno if the bugs r fast enough to fly in between the blades bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie haha sorry man, i will try and get some pics up in the next couple days.....just to let you know they are looking amazing...
  6. fishindog

    big fridge 400w hps 4 plants

    What exactly did you do with the trimmings to get all that??? What method did you use? bongsmiliebongsmilie
  7. fishindog

    Awesomo's 196 watt CFL Rubbermaid Grow 12/12 from seed

    dude you should check out my grow, I would recommend trying to grow the way i did with just a couple plants instead of 12/12 from seed bongsmiliebongsmilie But anyways keep growin lookin good :bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint:
  8. fishindog

    DIY 4oz. minimum yield grow box

    You should check out my grow and look at what im doing in the same kind of setup but with 3 plants, next grow will probably only be 2 plants in it tho, click the link in my signiture, I recommend doing a scrog in a box like this
  9. fishindog

    New CFL Grow

    ill be waiting bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie
  10. fishindog

    150w HPS CFL grow.

    finally found the new thread subscribed.
  11. fishindog

    First Grow - Sugar Blossom / Rubbermaid CFL

    ya get some pics up and we can help
  12. fishindog

    ~First Timer-Steathmaid Grow~Tips and Tricks Welcome!

    Red sorry man i been kinda busy....but looks like your grow is coming along good, your plants seem kind of small, at least compared to mine, what strain you growing? seems like there growth got stunted, any new pics? And i would say to water every couple days, i water like every 3. And its...
  13. fishindog

    Cfl flowering journal (pics!)

    looking nice, and ya i would say to try and wait as long as you can before you harvest
  14. fishindog

    2 weeks no beans: Dr Chronic

    The Plants that I have now are from doctor chronic my buddy ordered them, I dont think it took too long to get them in the mail. If I were you maybe contact the Dr. and see what there status is on your order....hope you dont get screwed bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie
  15. fishindog

    My Stealth Closet Grow!! Must See!!!! #2

    Ya the screen worked great....and I have 1 Dutch Passion and 2 Sweet tooth's bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie nice i seen your setup keep it up :bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint:
  16. fishindog

    30 600 HPS 400 site room. Pictures!

    Wow dude im very impressed....i love the setup bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie how bad does the smell get? Or im sure you have the room sealed off with filters??? just wondering thanks +rep bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie
  17. fishindog

    My Stealth Closet Grow!! Must See!!!! #2

    Ya i dunno what this guy is talking about.... O and thanks Red bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie
  18. fishindog

    ~First Timer-Steathmaid Grow~Tips and Tricks Welcome!

    Dude you should see my grow
  19. fishindog

    vert grow 1 600 hps 1 400 hps lots of pics

    Wow nice man bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie