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  1. Bardons

    When defining a plants age...

  2. Bardons

    Help Plz!!! (pics)

    woww those plant looks nice. How did you get so many tops on the big one??
  3. Bardons

    When defining a plants age...

    do you start day 1 as when you first germinated them; or when you planted them after germination?
  4. Bardons


    Hey you plant looks like the exact same strain as mine! how old is it and what seeds did you use? Also how did you make it so bushy?
  5. Bardons

    Pepsi bottle stash... SWEEET!!! (pics)

    haha, thats sick. What country you buy it in?
  6. Bardons

    Unusual Light...

    Nahhhh no where near, I dont live there...I live somewhere else ha!
  7. Bardons

    Unusual Light...

    Thanks for these, I understand why it wont do much now...
  8. Bardons

    Unusual Light...

    LOOL. Ive already got 2x20WATT Floros I just want a little bit more for the side of the plant becuase all the light is from above. I meen is it okay to use this? its not gonna give out nasty rays or anything?
  9. Bardons

    Unusual Light...

    Ive just found a light in my room, its chinese and the model number is MX-JCT4-8W. I think its a floro - it given out a blue/green light and its 8W. Could this be used to give extra light to my baby even tho its green/blue?
  10. Bardons

    young plant early signs of sex

    oh yeah, do i need a bigger pot yet?
  11. Bardons

    young plant early signs of sex

    okay, thanks for the reply. are they ready for miricle grow yet? also when can i top it?
  12. Bardons

    young plant early signs of sex

    it is gettin about 12/12 anyway, what are the results that people have previously get from 12/12/ from seed like i have
  13. Bardons

    young plant early signs of sex

    This plant is 4 weeks old + 1 week of germination. It has about 16 hours of light a day (when im in). Is it still too young to determine if these are going to be balls or buds?
  14. Bardons

    leaves dieing

    when can i start topping and nutes?
  15. Bardons

    leaves dieing

    The bottom leaves have died, do they need nutes or somethin?
  16. Bardons

    Computer case stealth grow. from seed

    Are we ready for nutes yet?
  17. Bardons

    Computer case stealth grow. from seed

    I've added 2 more 11watt lights (all ive got for now), and raised the lights a touch so they can stretch a little for LST. The string holding them at the right angle should be okay, right? Do you think they are ready for LST yet?
  18. Bardons

    Computer case stealth grow. from seed

    UPDATE Well there gettin about 12/12 so I think I am going to LST them ONE DIED LAST NIGHT - I opened the case and the one closest to the fan was all dropped down and floppy, I should have taken a picture. What do you think killed it? it looked like heat stress but I dont know - maybe over...
  19. Bardons

    Computer case stealth grow. from seed

    Thank you for the advise for the advise. Right, update, I've lowered the lights so they are alot closer, they love it! I've used 2 stealla cans to relect the light down also. I don't like leaving it on while im out so they only get 12/12 lighting but; they are warm in the night...
  20. Bardons

    Computer case stealth grow. from seed

    Hey, this is my third attempt at growing, the first two times i got caught because I rushed there growing environment but this time im determined to get a nice harvest. My set up -Computer case shell -2x 18watt cfls -4 12v fans -digital thermometor -5 plants 'misty' from seed I bought the...