Computer case stealth grow. from seed


Active Member
Hey, this is my third attempt at growing, the first two times i got caught because I rushed there growing environment but this time im determined to get a nice harvest.

My set up
-Computer case shell
-2x 18watt cfls
-4 12v fans
-digital thermometor
-5 plants 'misty' from seed

I bought the seeds from a local shop, they are ment to be 'Misty'.

I planted them on the 27th april after they had germinated. They took a week!

Here is my grow box in stelthmode right now.

Here are the plants they are growing as we speak

My digital thermometor reading (on back with on switch, there is also a fan speed controler next to it)
The temp normall settles at 28.5

I am thinking about LST as i dont have much space and i want to maximise my harvest. what do you think?


Active Member
Thank you for the advise for the advise.

Right, update, I've lowered the lights so they are alot closer, they love it!

I've used 2 stealla cans to relect the light down also.

I don't like leaving it on while im out so they only get 12/12 lighting but; they are warm in the night (lights off when im out). How will this affect there growth and development? Also, out of five plants how many females will there be? I'm thinking one or two?

They are two 20watt clfs how long will this be enough for?


Well-Known Member
this is really neat and i love stealth/pc grows but you really need more than 2 18 watt lights...

try at least 2 27-40 watts for vegging if temps allow it

for flowering i would get 3 40w cfl's

are you lst'ing

or 12/12 right away

cause you have to remember they will grow 2-3 times as big once you flower them


Active Member
Well there gettin about 12/12 so I think I am going to LST them

ONE DIED LAST NIGHT - I opened the case and the one closest to the fan was all dropped down and floppy, I should have taken a picture. What do you think killed it? it looked like heat stress but I dont know - maybe over watering, what do you think cos I feel pain im not gonna lie and i dont want this to happen to the rest.

ALSO - I just repoted 2 of them and when i did the second one abit of the roots came off, this was in the day tho so the growing juices are in the main plant right? will she be okay?


Active Member
I've added 2 more 11watt lights (all ive got for now), and raised the lights a touch so they can stretch a little for LST.

The string holding them at the right angle should be okay, right?

Do you think they are ready for LST yet?



Well-Known Member
I think you should start over and in something else. Instead of using a PC Case, use a giant round Trashcan.

If they are more than 2 weeks old, they are terribly small and just not thriving.

Thats just my opinion.

You only get what you put in, if you dont give the plants the minimum requirements, expect the minimum results.


Well-Known Member
hey bardons it looks like your trying your best bro but you dont need 40watts or anything like that i use 4 23 watt and my plants look like yours but way shorter and they are 10 days old. with that reflecter your dont need your lights so close because its already being focused. that close just means throwing a ton of heat at them. and i dont think your other plant was dead i would have just moved the lights away and maybe just see if itd come back over watering wouldnt kill it instantly. but i dunno just my two cents. check out my pc grow and how i roll.