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  1. Bardons


    What is the perfect tempertaure for growing? What is the acceptable range in temperture for growing?
  2. Bardons

    Grow Box Lights

    The box now has 2 thermometers 2 fans and a new wireing system what u think?
  3. Bardons

    Grow Box Lights

  4. Bardons

    Grow Box Lights

    thats a sick idea where can i get 1 of dem?. how safe is all this by the way becuase i cnt help but be paranoid when leaving it unattended
  5. Bardons

    Grow Box Lights

    I have made a stelth grown box out of a pc case and as u can see there are a lot of wires. I have had to wire each light to a plug and then use a 4 way extention things so it all comes out as 1 wire. is there a better way i could do it?
  6. Bardons

    General Advise

    Ive got 1 plant and im building a a growbox from a computer case. Ive searched the forums and I cant find out a few things. How do I wire up fans/lights so it all goes to the same plug? Im going to use CFLs what wattage should I use and how many? Im going to have to buy all this in town...
  7. Bardons

    Help, plants got to hot

    ive got a converted speaker, its not permanaent only till monday, wen i get my pc case/growbox. So atm i dont have any fans. here are the pics
  8. Bardons

    Help, plants got to hot

    My 9 days olds got to hot and have all flopped down. Ive used toothpicks 2 hold them up. 1 looks fine, 1 looks abit crispy and the last 1ns leaves are floppy as hell this happend in about 5 minutes. i waterd them and then put them under the a new light that isnt as hot, will they be okay?
  9. Bardons

    light proof fans?

    how would you do this on a pc case growbox, becuase it would need air holes...?
  10. Bardons

    Watering Issues

    Im sorry if this has been asked alot of time before, I searched for a thread but couldnt find one. How often should I water my 8 day old babies and how much, there only like an inche and a half tall. Also should I boil the water and then let it cool down before giving it to them? Thanks in...
  11. Bardons

    Are My Plants Stretching

    Im getta abit worried as I only had 3 seeds from some VERY nice weed. These are exactly 1 week old (3 days germinating in cotton and 4 days in pot). Are they looking okay?
  12. Bardons

    New Grower What You Think?

    the seeds where from a bags of weed that my friend bought, will these plants be more likely male or female?
  13. Bardons

    New Grower What You Think?

    Hey my name is Bardons and im new to this forum, I have attempted to grow weed twise before and failed due to various thrid party involvement. But this time im determined to do it. I had a few seeds from a friend and they germinated in about 3 days very helthily and ive planted them, there on 24...