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  1. Everett1227

    Flowering at a month?

    Im sorry, tlc?
  2. Everett1227

    Flowering at a month?

    At about a month and a half, I'm going to start flowering, with six distinct nodes. I have to cuz I'm leaving state and can't watch her, but wanted to at least see what happens, how much would you say I'll yield? An eighth?
  3. Everett1227

    What kind of plant is this?

    Well what do you suggest I buy to help get the nutrients in there? and what product do I buy, something from Walmart preferably.
  4. Everett1227

    What kind of plant is this?

    Well my problem is idk, what to get as far as output, type all that crap... I have a 2x2x5 grow space and I need to know the lights to get
  5. Everett1227

    What kind of plant is this?

    Well my problem is idk, what to get as far as output, type all that crap... I have a 2x2x5 grow space and I need to know the lights to get
  6. Everett1227

    What kind of plant is this?

    Is it bad if this is about a month old?
  7. Everett1227

    What kind of plant is this?

    There should be a picture...
  8. Everett1227

    What kind of plant is this?

    Any idea? Indica? Sativa? Both?
  9. Everett1227


    Thank you, I moved the foil, hopefully that will lessen the risk. At what hight would you say is appropriate to get at least 1/2-3/4 of a oz.? It's maybe 5 to 5 and a half inches tall now and has five nodes...
  10. Everett1227


    I'm broke so...
  11. Everett1227

    About a month and a week in need help

    Thank you, I moved the foil, hopefully that will lessen the risk. At what hight would you say is appropriate to get at least 1/2-3/4 of a oz.? It's maybe 5 to 5 and a half inches tall now and has five nodes...
  12. Everett1227

    About a month and a week in need help

    in a 2x2x5 grow area with a plant about six inches tall, a month and a week in. what kind of light should I use to promote better growth, I have those twisted looking mercury lights on, two of them, with a combine wattage of 26.. -.-
  13. Everett1227

    Holes in the leaf?

    Ok so how bout suggestions instead of being an asshole. Clearly I'm a little green to this.
  14. Everett1227

    Holes in the leaf?

    I turned the fan up higher and so far so good.
  15. Everett1227

    Holes in the leaf?

    Well that's the light playing with the picture, it's maybe a month old in soil.
  16. Everett1227

    Holes in the leaf?

    There is a small cut on this leaf, doesn't look like bug problems and I haven't seen any. Could it be under watering?
  17. Everett1227

    Important please help!

    That's dirt, there is no browning
  18. Everett1227

    Important please help!

    Doing much better!!!
  19. Everett1227

    Do I need to?

    Haha again... >.> asking for FUTURE REFERENCE
  20. Everett1227

    Do I need to?

    I really just meant when its time, do I have to? And what are the pros and cons?