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  1. Everett1227

    Do I need to?

    Do I have to prune my plant? I mean what are the pros and cons?
  2. Everett1227

    Indoor overall questions

    If I have one plant and I only plan on allowing it to grow to about 3 feet before harvest, (just a plane bag seed) how much should I worry about Oder? It's in the highest level of the house and parents live in the level below. It's in a cut out of one of my walls with a fan...also as far as...
  3. Everett1227

    Important please help!

    This is how well it was doing before it started to curl
  4. Everett1227

    Important please help!

    More than I would like to admit, what's an adequate water cycle? As in, how many times a week?
  5. Everett1227

    Important please help!

    Thank you, it's just that I resoiled it an everything, because it was holding mass amounts of water in its last medium. It was only the new five pointed fan leaf that was curling till today, now all of them are...
  6. Everett1227

    Important please help!

    Thank you, it's just that I resoiled it an everything, because it was holding mass amounts of water in its last medium. It was only the new five pointed fan leaf that was curling till today, now all of them are...
  7. Everett1227

    Important please help!

    I recently moved my plant due to a really high moisture level but now the leaves are all curling down and inward starting at the leaf stem I need to know how to fix it... What might be the problem?
  8. Everett1227

    Need help

    How bad is it, if my plant is momentarily removed while trying to place it in a different pot? I mean it was maybe five was an accident. What should I do? Does anyone have experience with this that might like to tell me what I'm lookin for as far as signs of stress or if it might be...