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  1. shadyslater


    yh id agree with that mate
  2. shadyslater

    shady's blue rhino main-line (attempt #2)

    shhhh man im gettin her a kitten lol
  3. shadyslater

    shady's blue rhino main-line (attempt #2)

    you can have 1 next year mrs lol
  4. shadyslater

    shady's blue rhino main-line (attempt #2)

    aww i wanna go the races man.... yh she takin off now mate gettin 9 different type of fukin stinky lol
  5. shadyslater

    Blue Hash - Dinafem seeds

    my blue hash form last xmas
  6. shadyslater


    theres only 2 listed on s/finder: Known Phenotypes: beta version - add an other phenotype 1.: long, stretched, fastly blossoming, sativa-dominant Phenotype #2 2.: short, stretched, slowly blossoming, sativa-dominant Phenotype #1 this is the sat pheno...
  7. shadyslater


    im glad you've got some nice smells mate.... when i rub stem = 50/50 mix of skunk/sour with a touch of citrusy fruit.... stck my nose on a bud its like sour cat piss lol
  8. shadyslater

    shady's blue rhino main-line (attempt #2)

    lol im not doin owt now lol flowerin's fookin boring:sleep:
  9. shadyslater

    shady's blue rhino main-line (attempt #2)

    dont be jellies man lol
  10. shadyslater

    shady's blue rhino main-line (attempt #2)

    cheers guy looks like this is gonna be my best run yet
  11. shadyslater

    Got a scare, meter reader, uk

    mate a 250w hps is gonna be the same or less power than an old 20" tv
  12. shadyslater

    shady's blue rhino main-line (attempt #2)

    She got a very sour smell (almost like cat piss)
  13. shadyslater

    sexing my mj

    here a few pics bro
  14. shadyslater

    sexing my mj

    trouseres wheere yoou gone man lol
  15. shadyslater

    1st time main-lining journal......

    aww i killed my caramel ice @ my 1st main-line attempt lol (snapped it while tieing her down thhen had a temper and pulled her out the pot lol)
  16. shadyslater

    sexing my mj

    erm i aint got no pics on my computer i'll link a thread for you to read through 1st a jargon buster lol: a node is where the leaf sets come from the main stem this is where you wanna be lookin for...
  17. shadyslater

    The Main-Lining Thread

    iv seen 16 32 headed main-lines on the tube @ 4foot plus id say main-lining works in all spaces
  18. shadyslater

    sexing my mj

    she's 6 weeks old though trousers she should at least be showing pre's should'nt she????
  19. shadyslater

    sexing my mj

    yh that look fine id flipp her to 12/12 tho
  20. shadyslater

    regs vs fems

    Yh mate it is obvious lol theres a guy on another forum tryin ta tell c/silver magically turns females to males without it bein a hermie lol