shady's blue rhino main-line (attempt #2)


Well-Known Member
WooHoo! shadyslater is ROCKIN the MainLining! WooHoo!

Your Girl is GORGEOUS! I cant wait to try myself... after I catch up in the Garden! Summer, vacations, mites, Harvesting.... now a bit of cleanup and Updating MY Journal... then off to the Races! WooHoo!



Well-Known Member
WooHoo! shadyslater is ROCKIN the MainLining! WooHoo!

Your Girl is GORGEOUS! I cant wait to try myself... after I catch up in the Garden! Summer, vacations, mites, Harvesting.... now a bit of cleanup and Updating MY Journal... then off to the Races! WooHoo!

aww i wanna go the races man.... yh she takin off now mate gettin 9 different type of fukin stinky lol


Well-Known Member
she's startin to get frostybrday22flw.3.jpgbrday22flw.2.jpgbrday22flw.1.jpganother week and i should be able to propa see where the cola's are gonna start

p.s that nasty smell fading out now (defo smell the blues in her)


Well-Known Member
Nice Pics! But I just noticed... and I hope you dont mind me pointing it out... I hope you are NOT Disappointed, BUT...

I count more than 8 Main Cola's! Hopefully it will go as planned next time?

Yeah, I dont know why I thought that was FUNNY? But decided to share anyways!

All this talk of her wanting a kid would make me nervous! Unless of course, thats what you want? Hehehe



Well-Known Member
Lol yh she's got 12 mains lol (i need the extra yeild this run) next run im doin a 16 head by the book main-line wiv some casey jones (cheers LK)

The mrs got a kitten today so that should keep goats outta her mind til she see's a pic lol


Well-Known Member
I cant see this bein done in 60 days lol iv only just started havin propa trich production start over the last few days nd normally its early in week 3 not late in week 4.
If any1's hit the blue rhino can you let me know how long it was in flower for?


Well-Known Member
She was vegged for 60days and she's currently day 26 of flower

edit: yh mate main-lining works well mate (as long as you dont mind messing with plants lol) i know some folks dont like messing with em


Well-Known Member
1st i cant wait to get more space man i could do with now really but oh well lol. if i spread her out how she needs to be i reckon she'd be bout 80x80cm

i found a stragler branch that i must of missed when i trimmed her so im seein if i can clone itbbys.jpgiv only cheapo rooting powder though so i aint got high hopes

the b/r ooooh this is by far my best work yet. not a single lil spot of nute burn no defs she's been bang on from seed man (to say its a medical strain she's fookin well easy to grow)
sshe's frostin over lovely too. i still dont think she'll be done in the quoted 60 days i think she'll quiet easy go 70+ but we'll see....
the smell comin off her now is propa blueberry with a lil hashy after note
i cant wait too smoke it