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  1. shadyslater

    Beginner CFL Wardrobe Grow

    yh thats it buddy now you should feel the door pullin as your trying to open em here a pic of my current setup bruv and my current girlyshe's 27 days into flower (blue rhino from positronics)
  2. shadyslater

    1st time main-lining journal......

    are you ready to start thinkin bout cuttin and trainin now bro???? they looks about ready for it bro.. i know it seems fuct up to cut all that away buddy but you could try strippin down and cloning what you remove???? i thought about this AFTER id chopped her lol they all look super healthy...
  3. shadyslater

    shady's blue rhino main-line (attempt #2)

    1st i cant wait to get more space man i could do with now really but oh well lol. if i spread her out how she needs to be i reckon she'd be bout 80x80cm i found a stragler branch that i must of missed when i trimmed her so im seein if i can clone itiv only cheapo rooting powder though so i aint...
  4. shadyslater


    :grin::grin:Well mr lk if ya keep a mum i'll have to sort gettin a cut from ya
  5. shadyslater


    Search box it mate im sure iv seen a thread with a youtube account info in it on ere bro
  6. shadyslater

    Lumens, Lux, and Adding It all Up

    Bro you can get like 300w actual draw cfl's. Ive been running a 125w actual for 18 months now been givin me an oz per lady per cycle
  7. shadyslater

    cfl lights

    posting pics is always good bro and the more light the better mate, if your gonna stay with small cfl's (under 65w) get the 24w if you can and pls get them fookers close man 2" away maybe less
  8. shadyslater

    Marijuana growing in soil

    imho agood slow (not forced i.e: put infront of warm heater ect ect) dry gets rid of the home grown smell taste then the cure will bring out the flavor in the bud also adds potancey (so iv heard)
  9. shadyslater

    Marijuana growing in soil

    a propa dry and decent cure solves that
  10. shadyslater

    supercroping 7 days before flowering

    Yh do it bro its all good
  11. shadyslater

    please help? something going on.

    No mate the tips is nute burn bro
  12. shadyslater

    this forum is terrible

    im not siding up with him cos he's a trollin fraggle but some folks aint as sure about stuff than us that have been init for a lil while lol anyway gone off topic back to bashing lol get at it guys
  13. shadyslater

    Beginner CFL Wardrobe Grow

    yh mate give it 2 maybe 3 rounds nd you'll be all good with the basics lad
  14. shadyslater

    this forum is terrible

    lol i ask ?'s all the time stu lol google just bring me home anyway
  15. shadyslater

    this forum is terrible

    yh its a nice place to hang out nd a really good place to learn shit.... stop tryin ta wind folks up and you'll be cool if you cant stop trollin and dont like it when you get called out on it then go else where BRO!
  16. shadyslater

    Beginner CFL Wardrobe Grow

    it the oxygen u wanna get out mate they use co2 but yh leave it outside nd pull it out....
  17. shadyslater

    please help? something going on.

    yh you defo got abit of nute burn mate back em off a touch or 2... the 1st pic looks like it could be bugs or maybe a lil cal-mag def
  18. shadyslater

    Wanna-be grower looking for seed advice

    herbis headshop have alook on there... as for seed type depends on the kinda high you like (if you like a smashed and cant get off the sofa kinda high then you want an indica or indica dom. if you like heady uplifting high then you want a sativa or sativa dom) try not to scrimp on seed generally...
  19. shadyslater

    Do my plants look healthy?

    i 3rd that
  20. shadyslater

    Beginner CFL Wardrobe Grow

    thats cool mate. id swap your fans around bro have your outlet at the top with ur fan then it'll suck air through the intake at the bottom