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    Nrvana Seed code

    there used to be one like something to do with rollitup but cant remember,imagine that,lol
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    Nrvana Seed code

    Anyone know the code for discount at nirvanaas seed shop
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    Nirvana code for discount

    Anyone know a code for discount on nirvana,got some beans gettin ready to push the button just need a code
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    Just ordered from Attitude

    I just ordered super lemon haze from the tude and it is my first time.In the responsibilities it said I have to contact my postal service to give correct address. for shipping,I dont understand,why wont they just send to the address I gave them it is my home address.Maybe I am misunderstanding...
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    on probation,should i GROW

    hahahah,nice,I might try that
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    on probation,should i GROW

    Well since I do have it all,maybe I could actually just grow legal stuff,that could be fun and entertain while also abiding the law.Then if he sees it,who cares,nothin illegal goin on
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    on probation,should i GROW

    Yeah,I agree,I should be smart.Why not 1 year of wait for a lifetime of less trouble and enjoyment.It just makes it more believeable when you here it from fellows like ya'll
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    on probation,should i GROW

    Jut got put on probation for up to a year.Have a nice set-up but afraid since I had to sign away my 4th amendment rights to search and seizure.I live in Iowa,anyone know the chances of a homecheck happening,man this sucks,have 15 fem ak-48 right here,AAAAAAGH
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    Storing seeds

    I mean just rice and seeds in envelope,not in bags in rice
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    Storing seeds

    so everyone says put in rice,do i just literaaly put the seeds in rice in an envelope in the fridge,may be storing for awhile.Or do I put in freezer,all answers appreciated
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    "Hello, 911? Is my grow in the basement against the law?"

    Wow,new dumbest criminal in America
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    Help!! Fedex gave my package to police now what?

    They will definetly be watchin you and your buddy to collect evidence.Fed EX is known for workin closely with the cops.My friend did the same thing,he got raided bout 10 days after.He only shipped 1 oz.He got interstate drug trafficking charge,luckily he got it down to possesion,cost him about...
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    how long do nutes and soil stay good

    Guess no onw wants to help us
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    how long do nutes and soil stay good

    I have veg and bloom nutes I have had for about a year,and bag of fox farms.Had to take a break for a while,they have been kept in a cool,dark spot.Hope I do not have to buy more still 3/4 full.Do they expire any info would be good,thanks
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    how long do nutes and soils stay good

    I have veg and bloom nutes I have had for about a year,and bag of fox farms.Had to take a break for a while,they have been kept in a cool,dark spot.Hope I do not have to buy more still 3/4 full,thanks
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    Want To Store Seeds

    so how bout in a mason jar,seeds just lying on glass jar bottom with silica pack
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    Want To Store Seeds

    cool,I have in a dark,cool place in my basement,will only have to keep 6-7 months
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    storing seeds

    in the jar not in the plastic baggies they came in right
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    Storing seeds

    ok,sounds good I have 2 different kinds but I guess ,duh,nevermind I will just use 2 different envelopes.So I will empty the seeds into the envlope or jar in the rice,no plastic baggies,thanks g
  20. S

    Storing seeds

    So I just got some seeds,I have heard keep in the fridge in Rice.Do I keep them in the plastic baggies and put in rice.I am gonna keep in a mason jar.Might have to keep for 6 months or so,thanks