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    Cant sleep till I have an answer

    That is what I thought,thanks bro
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    So I pre-mixed 10 gallons of pro bloom soil and liquid Karma,2 days ago.Shop guy said it is ok,ph was about 6.9 .Today i went and opened container and all the nutes had seperated and looked like mud in the bottom.PH was over 8.5,should i lowr ph and use or dump and batch new for feeding...
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    Please someone help

    So I pre-mixed 10 gallons of pro bloom soil and liquid Karma,2 days ago.Shop guy said it is ok,ph was about 6.9 .Today i went and opened container and all the nutes had seperated and looked like mud in the bottom.PH was over 8.5,should i lowr ph and use or dump and batch new for feeding...
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    Cant sleep till I have an answer

    So I pre-mixed 10 gallons of pro bloom soil and liquid Karma,2 days ago.Shop guy said it is ok,ph was about 6.9 .Today i went and opened container and all the nutes had seperated and looked like mud in the bottom.PH was over 8.5,should i lowr ph and use or dump and batch new for feeding...
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    Captain Jacks dead bug brew

    for sure just checked and thay are gone,I am a believer
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    Captain Jacks dead bug brew

    Anyone ever used this,I just found a bunch of little worms on my fan leaves,mostly white,but some brown,very small.I went and got some Captain Jacks and soaked them very good ,does anyone have any info on this
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    Captain Jacks dead bug brew

    Anyone ever used this,I just found a bunch of little worms on my fan leaves,mostly white,but some brown,very small.I went and got some Captain Jacks and soaked them very good ,does anyone have any info on this
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    Crazy trichome production

    2 weeks?,that is alot of darkness,umm isnt that plant death with no light for 2 weeks
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    Attitude Seed Bank T-Shirt

    Mine has a fist coming up that says Attitude above it,black and white and no references to bud on it at all,my wife wears it
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    Professor Marijuana

    Professor,I am using ProBlend bloom right now,but wondering if i shoulld switch to fox farm,Tiger bloom and big bloom.I like the simple 1 part solution of Pro Blend but something you said earlier stuck.You said plants at different weeks in flower need different food like kids to the elderly.I am...
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    Professor Marijuana

    I very much enjoy reading the professors wisdom,and believe there is alot of wisdom to be had.Seriously how lucky are you to have 40 years of growing at your fingertips,and the willingness to share.I would almost personally pay to be taught by the PROfessor
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    yellowing leaves

    No,,no nutes,in soil,used FF Ocean Forest,going to start flower nutes in about 2 days,running 2x400 watt lights,4 inch exhaust,temps around 75 when lights on,not sure when off,when and got heater to keep room at 62 at night,mostly yellowing at bottom
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    yellowing leaves

    I am 34 days into veg and have some yellowing happen,do I need nutes or possibly getting to cold at night,please help
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    is my 4 inch fan enough

    I have a 4 inch inline fan outside tent sucking thru carbon filter inside tent,is this enough air movement
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    Need some advice

    Yeah my buddy told me they get tall and stretchy,but wow.So even tho I already supercropped the stem once go aheasd and do it again,just farther up the stem I assume
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    Need some advice

    So I have 3 Strains goin,Bubblicious,AK-48,and 2 Super Lemon Haze clones.My problem is the Haze is growing so tall and I want to veg them all for another 10 days at least.I have already supercropped the main stem once,so can I do it again to slow down the growth or what should I do.To talltop...
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    advice please (pics)

    What he said,definetly nute burn
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    when is a plant considered in veg state

    Just wondering when i should start the calendar for vegging,how long is seedling state and then when does veg start
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    Need more advice from you awesome people

    As stoned as I am I felt like I was right there watching you two fight,WOAH
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    Did I fu@k myself?

    sweet,thanks bros,much appreciated.It is nice to have a site with veteran growers to answer questions so rapidly,much respect