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  1. FauxRoux

    Standing O..Bernie Sanders!

    Im with you man (although I cant argue with pop22 on that post really either). I think age has started to wear me down some is all...I admire your conviction. Show me a better path and im all ears. Cause I tried not participating and nobody cared. (im not being sarcastic by the by).
  2. FauxRoux

    Donald Trump

    I know Trumps your hero but you have to be GOOD at something for self promotion to work. Even if its simply self promotion. But your are in fact your own special brand of stupid.
  3. FauxRoux

    Donald Trump

    I can see that. I a Marx brothers guy myself but if im stoned enough the 3 stooges are amusing enough in a pinch. (ooooo....if we had 3 Not GOP's and get them to fight though.....)
  4. FauxRoux

    Donald Trump

    There would have to BE a debate to win one. He is too afraid to even comment on anything he doesn't bring up and even then wont respond if you ask him to show his work or confront his point. Whats funnier is he then responds with backhanded responses in an attempt to troll you into thinking he...
  5. FauxRoux

    Donald Trump

    Only being able to point out my occasional fast typing spelling error is the only thing hes got man. Dont take that from him! Those have got to be the happiest moments hes had since getting out of special ed...even if he never did get that GED. :lol:
  6. FauxRoux

    Donald Trump

    you don't have a right to ask people to answer questions when you still haven't responded to a single Trump point I put up.
  7. FauxRoux

    Donald Trump

    The quality of your insults are almost as devoid of a point as your arguments. You are in fact without point. You are point-less... If aids were having a point you would be the logic defying miracle cure. All we would need to do is roll terminal cases in whellchairs within 10 meters or you and...
  8. FauxRoux

    Donald Trump

    Just looked it up. you are correct sir. his wiki page says died 08 i thought...
  9. FauxRoux

    Controlling through-the-roof medical costs

    Yeah...they are cocksuckers. People that put making money before peoples health have no business being in medicine.
  10. FauxRoux

    Controlling through-the-roof medical costs

    You are correct. I'm in around the same ballpark. But if you've followed the price on the receipt for your albutoral and flowvent insurance is covering the difference. Albuteral went from $7 to $55 and Flowvent from $70 to $475..... What I'm saying is if Obamacare gets repealed do you really...
  11. FauxRoux

    Donald Trump

    Good points. When I bring up trumps buisness record I'm usually pointing out his lack of social ethics used to make a profit. I feel that having someone who promises to turn around a bad economy to be a mute point if they aren't a trustworthy or ethically upright individual. But as you just...
  12. FauxRoux

    Donald Trump

    He died in 2008. I would for the most part completely agree, although I always got the impression he was never considered anybodies fool. I wonder if Cuba would have fared better if prior to the collapse of the Soviet Union Fidel had not spent the previous 20 years becoming involved in so many...
  13. FauxRoux

    Donald Trump

    Im typing on a phone. But sure. You certainly "Trumped" my long list of intelligent remarks with that. :roll: Im "A fucking lame" huh? sure showed me.
  14. FauxRoux

    Donald Trump

    He did bail and leave the joint to castro pretty quick. I always wondered what his end game was suppose to be? If he was even thinking that far. So in your opinion would you say he was as responsable for the direction cuba took as castro? I mean, he did die pretty early into its inception.
  15. FauxRoux

    Donald Trump

    Fair enough. Im genuinely curious what your opinion is?
  16. FauxRoux

    Donald Trump

    Im guessing your problem with them being they are "dirty commies". Nothing like staking right and wrong on general ideal/labels instead of seeing the logic in creating a system that might actually function regardless of if its a mishmash of ideologies or not.
  17. FauxRoux

    Donald Trump

    I suppose that depends on how you look at it. As has already been pointed out (and to the best of my knowledge) he started his business career by being handed millions from his father rather than being a brilliant investor as he would like people to believe . I believe his initial investments...
  18. FauxRoux

    Donald Trump

  19. FauxRoux

    Donald Trump

  20. FauxRoux

    Donald Trump

    And you still cant seem to respond to any of my trump points. If you cant that's fine, just tuck tail and go vote for trump cause you hate Mexicans and hes great cause hes rich. And so you know, what I just did there is called a... FAULTY SIGN: (also includes argument from circumstance)...