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  1. FauxRoux

    Standing O..Bernie Sanders!

    So...retarded.... First off that is rediculous as it is a typical Trump point meant to stir the pot...blowing something up to an extreme for the gullible rabble rabble's I mean...I don't particularly like her either, but since when is any of this new? Bush, Cheney, Trump, Hillery...
  2. FauxRoux

    College a Conspiracy?

    Look into the BOG grant...also at the will be surprised how much money the government will give you to go to school....these are NOT loans...your shitty employer may have done you a favor as you will now qualify for much more in student aid. Your community college should have a...
  3. FauxRoux

    Controlling through-the-roof medical costs

    They put uncle Ben on timeout lol
  4. FauxRoux

    Donald Trump

    They did the same thing with G.W. Bush. And I used it too.
  5. FauxRoux

    Controlling through-the-roof medical costs

    What we have in the US in the form of Obamacare was sold to UHC...but it is not. For it to be UHC it would need to be a set universal price, regulated to avoid taking advantage of the people by the pharmaceutical industry, which we are seeing in spades. I'm liberal but I'm...
  6. FauxRoux

    Controlling through-the-roof medical costs

    It has been shown that in most cases the medical manufacturers have a lot to do with the obscene price hikes. Also we have a low number of doctors for out population in the US compared to many countries, that also greatly drives up the price of care. It strikes me (and this part is really just...
  7. FauxRoux

    Donald Trump

    The sad part is trump is probably the 1 selling the tp too Anything for a buck with that whore
  8. FauxRoux

    College a Conspiracy?

    Using computer in manager's office...while smoking crack. Before going home to dumpster. New nickname Oscar the grouch Shkreli
  9. FauxRoux

    College a Conspiracy?

    Janitor. Used keys to get into the managers office to take the picture
  10. FauxRoux

    College a Conspiracy?

  11. FauxRoux

    College a Conspiracy?

    Don't fall for it alienwidow! Don't feed the troll guys. He's been sufficiently snubbed already
  12. FauxRoux

    College a Conspiracy? a buyers market owning IS better then renting
  13. FauxRoux

    College a Conspiracy?

    Wait....wasn't this thread about college?
  14. FauxRoux

    College a Conspiracy?

    I agree with ya. I meant troll as a compliment in this particular context..... I mean....look at what we're dealing with
  15. FauxRoux

    College a Conspiracy?

    Well...I guess you have a new nickname. Little Shkreli it is!!! Also you failed to do those things you evidenced by the fact that everyone had fun calling you out on it all. And you look stupid. That was a stupid plan. A stupid...stupid...stupid...stupid stupid stupid plan.
  16. FauxRoux

    College a Conspiracy?

    That comment was in no way a criticism of you alienwidow, you and Farley are hilarious and my popcorn and I enjoy your trolling
  17. FauxRoux

    College a Conspiracy?

    Ya know..while honestly I could care less how much money you have or how you make it, it strikes me as foolish to feel the need for recognition so bad as to A: post it all over the net. B: allow yourself to get into a pissing contest about it. C: Call others "kids" over in over while oblivious...
  18. FauxRoux

    College a Conspiracy?

    Personally I'm just waiting for everyone here to stop fighting it and start making out already.....which is an even funnier thought when I see a picture of Chris Farley.... (He would do it too....with Adam Sandler...dressed as a lunch lady....hahaha....stoned)
  19. FauxRoux


    Well other then this part that was almost a polite response. So we can ignore the fact that YOU brought up the subject of pedophilia and that I was mearly making the point that furthering the stereotype of people who share your political views being incest having pedophiles, etc etc, is about as...
  20. FauxRoux


    I am insured. I have figured it out. I was agreeing with you that I dont like this system although for (I image) vastly different and more articulate reasons. I agree with some (very little) of your views on immigration policy as well....again for VASTLY different (and less frothy at the mouth)...