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  1. FauxRoux

    Ben Carson..You are no Barack Obama

    can you put "daddy bought me in" on a transcript?
  2. FauxRoux

    Donald Trump

    Lets face it boys...your average latino is NOT voting Republican....arguing that point even if you disagree with the poll is....foolish....ill just say foolish And calm down Not GOP...i know you're excited cause you have someone arguing for your point for once, but let's not forget on a day by...
  3. FauxRoux

    To add more nutrients or not. check my daily readings and you be the judge

    Late response...but keep in mind a mag deficiency can cause nute lockout...which can in turn cause other nutes to pile up...and that looked like it was far-ish along. But I would say mag def and either lockout or slight burn.
  4. FauxRoux

    Controlling through-the-roof medical costs

    I believe the issue people have with rob Roy is that he shoots down every response in every thread about government with anarchist viewpoints...and as I stated earlier, to a degree I not only agree with him but admire his resolve at not compromising his values. However....shooting down our...
  5. FauxRoux

    Ben Carson..You are no Barack Obama

    But why would they bother?
  6. FauxRoux

    Ben Carson..You are no Barack Obama

    I looked into it and found the articles and the pictures of him...I guess he came out of hiding to go to a cheese shop? So while I would lean towards you being correct and him being alive i guess it could be tabloid crap...but why would...
  7. FauxRoux

    Ben Carson..You are no Barack Obama

    Personally I have no horse in this race.... But I'd like to point out what you just did was not a list of Obama's lies. Its your opinion about Obama. (Kind of a stickler 4 facts backing up points)
  8. FauxRoux

    Controlling through-the-roof medical costs

    I'm curious as to what you think would be a step in the right direction? Its quite easy to shoot down our governments hypocrisy/actions...but if the goal is to have something better it has to start somewhere... So I'm genuinely curious as to what you think would be the best first step towards...
  9. FauxRoux

    Controlling through-the-roof medical costs

    Sooooo....vacation to India then? Kind of like going to Singapore for dental work.
  10. FauxRoux

    Donald Trump

  11. FauxRoux

    Donald Trump

    Id say wishing someone a racially driven death by cop shooting would probably invoke the "true colors" your insinuating are there. Maybe he simply doesn't wish you harm either. Even if he doesn't respect you.
  12. FauxRoux

    Donald Trump

    Why is that a fair comparison when hes not wishing harm on you in a manner that comes about because your white? No one gives a fuck that your white. They give a fuck that you give a fuck that he is not. If hes being disrespectful base your response on what is being said... bringing race into it...
  13. FauxRoux

    Donald Trump

    I wasn't judging you. I dont know you. Just saying that was a tad extreme....and not of the mountain dew variety.
  14. FauxRoux

    Donald Trump

    Jeeze man....I mean...I dont agree with Not GOP's politics (or rampant ignorance) but I wouldn't wish him harm... I have liked that even though you and I dont agree on points we have been civil. You speak clearly and (at least with me) have backed up your points with some evidence of how you got...
  15. FauxRoux

    Ben Carson..You are no Barack Obama

    ---XKCD (wouldn't want Not GOP thinking its plagiarized)
  16. FauxRoux

    Donald Trump you mean following in the sense of future investors? Cause anyone who goes that route at this point deserves to loose their cash. But assuming he fails this election do you really think he would try to run again? I mean....I guess he might....:?
  17. FauxRoux

    Ben Carson..You are no Barack Obama

    It took you a month to figure out those weren't your old accounts? LOL
  18. FauxRoux

    Donald Trump

    Which is a pittance to what he will make for himself if he convinces enough of you fat racist douche bags to vote him into office. This may be the only real investment he CAN actually lose on. Hes using his own money for once. And it has nothing to do with being a Dem plant, he simply failed...
  19. FauxRoux

    Donald Trump

    yeah...we already covered all that. Corrections were made. thx for lookin out though.
  20. FauxRoux

    Donald Trump

    hahaha....well i dont know about personable.