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  1. FauxRoux

    Jews and Catholics

    Speaking as a Jew in the U.S from California and also having lived in N.Y. on and off for years, I would say that Jews being blamed for the death of Christ IS a "thing" here. Not directly taught or endorsed by the church maybe, but certainly an opinion ive heard touted by Christians across the...
  2. FauxRoux

    Alabama Republican wants to stop people on food stamps from owning cars

    A wise friend of mine whom is a physician over at Stanford once complained about "shit coworkers" to me. He said... "A bad doctor is one that looks at the symptoms checked off on the chart and proscribes something for them. A good doctor is one that examines the patient to find the underlying...
  3. FauxRoux

    Jews and Catholics

    Nice end point for a religiously themed thread :bigjoint: P.S. Not that we should start jerking each other off quite yet...but I was your 3000 like just now:rolleyes:
  4. FauxRoux

    Jews and Catholics

    Yes I do understand the distinction made between culture, religion and "race"...especially in relation to Jews....I am one (blood wise that is, im not religious)...and im saying that the very people responsible for mapping the human genome have found evidence that Jews though the Ashkenazim...
  5. FauxRoux

    Jews and Catholics

    Actually it has been proven through genetic maping that the Ashkenazi and then back to the Sephardic lines show Jews to have unique identifiable markers. This makes them both a Religion and a "Race".......just sayin
  6. FauxRoux

    Trump supporters aren't as dumb as you think.

    Well "hiring 1 half of the poor to kill the other half" is certainly not a new strategy. The elite/aristocracy/etc etc has been doing it for centuries....and it strikes me confronting the uneducated with logic has thus far proven ineffective for the obvious reasons. So while I understand that...
  7. FauxRoux

    Trump supporters aren't as dumb as you think.

    My mother is Jewish, my father is black Irish/Cherokee....Which makes me a purebred alcoholic.....simply the act of walking into a bar alone is the start of a joke. So while I know from my aunt/uncle/cousins/half siblings (whom are black) that merely having white(er) skin means to an extent I...
  8. FauxRoux

    Trump supporters aren't as dumb as you think.

    Well the point of the OP was not to placate racists/racism, nor an attempt to brush it under the carpet. It mearly says we would have better success in stamping it out if we addressed its root causes instead of its symptoms. Its just like a docter I knew used to say about some of his"shitty"...
  9. FauxRoux

    The 2016 election is the first in 50 years without the full protections of the Voting Rights Act.

    In my opinion? No. But while never a sure thing, when it comes to knowing what im talking about I try to hedge my bets wherever I can. If Im in fact only wrong twice as much as I consciously think I am.... ill consider it a win.
  10. FauxRoux

    The 2016 election is the first in 50 years without the full protections of the Voting Rights Act.

    Hey man, whatever floats your boat.....but without knowing 1 way or another, for a fact....that's still conjecture regardless of whether he said leading things. Just sayin...
  11. FauxRoux

    The 2016 election is the first in 50 years without the full protections of the Voting Rights Act.

    uum...we are probably the most divided world power on the planet...just look over your own posts in the political section (or any of us here really) we ALL use "us and them" terminology dude....thats what were here to DO... I dont share your views, but im not surprised or offended that you have...
  12. FauxRoux

    Trump supporters aren't as dumb as you think.

    My social groups are split on who they want to vote for. While most of them are #FeelingTheBern, many of them are coming around to old Hilda Baggins. Because I’m English and can’t vote in the US, I’ve avoided emotional investment in either one. Consequently, I’ve been listening with impassivity...
  13. FauxRoux

    Donald Trump

  14. FauxRoux

    Donald Trump

    still trolling:roll: At least I hope so for your sake. But least this time im actually talking to you:mrgreen:
  15. FauxRoux

    Donald Trump

    A.K.A. ...cant...gotcha. Thx for playing.:roll: let me help you Here's where you jumped in assuming by "trump supporter" I must be talking about you....even though you aren't a trump supporter...and I dont even know you...nor were we talking... Here are your rebuttals of...Well... you called...
  16. FauxRoux

    Donald Trump

    Help me? What Facts did I get wrong? How is this a case of you correcting an untruth? Cause I have no problem being wrong all the time. No offense, but this feels more like you needing to be right. You're the alleged persecuted turned accuser....the burden of proof lies with you my...
  17. FauxRoux

    Donald Trump

    Jesus dude...semantics.....there are lines. read between them. I mean, no offense...but this started with you accusing me (despite never speaking with you or being aware you pretty sure) of putting words in your mouth by calling YOU a trump supporter (somehow) by simply addressing...
  18. FauxRoux

    Donald Trump

    So me saying "im not convinced for x" is me not talking about my opinion? That's about as valid as me supposedly telling you that you were a trump supporter (stranger ive never spoken too before) by addressing trump supporters. I love how even speaking in a trump forum turns into a semantic...
  19. FauxRoux

    Donald Trump

    Gotcha.....well maybe you should address those folks directly then..... And in this case no false statements were made...I gave my opinion...which is subjective.... soooooooo why did you call me out again?
  20. FauxRoux

    Donald Trump

    Jesus...What we're saying is you should loosen up. None of us really think that....or care if it WERE true. Im sure she a lovely woman. Im sure you'll be able to think about it and come up with an intelligent solution to this situation.