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  1. FauxRoux

    Are there any smart Trump supporters?

    Ok...your conclusion is still based on a scenario where not all factors are taken into account...thus making your conclusion erronious, but for arguments sake if we are judging this based on intension as opposed to application....fine. Because your intension being pure is great, but still won't...
  2. FauxRoux

    Are there any smart Trump supporters?

    He is nothing if not a man of principle. :mrgreen:
  3. FauxRoux

    Are there any smart Trump supporters?

    Yes...we all understood that distinction about 15 pages back in the thread. We all admit to this difference of opinion between you and us...I for one dont bemoan your choice in worldview, I simply dont share it. Your conclusions rely on erroneous premises. Then stop trying to.
  4. FauxRoux

    Are there any smart Trump supporters?

    You dont say...funny because arguments that commit fallacies of relevance-- (like labeling me not sharing your principles as immoral or unprincipled simply because you refuse to acknowledge the difference (or cant define it) between consenting adult, child or the subsequent bearing it may have...
  5. FauxRoux

    Are there any smart Trump supporters?

    That is a popular opinion.....:neutral:
  6. FauxRoux

    Are there any smart Trump supporters?

    In principle? Sure. In reality? Depends on what they are trying to do with it...doesn't it? There is no such thing as one size fits all when it comes to people, morality or governance.
  7. FauxRoux

    Are there any smart Trump supporters?'ve done this a bunch of times now and I need to point it out.....when I say something like this.... See...this says I believe that you are WRONG in using a universal rule...inferring that you have one. and you reply with.... it is not confidence inspiring....and ive answered those...
  8. FauxRoux

    Are there any smart Trump supporters?

    Im saying it in the context of my child who is NOT an adult. Im saying it in the context of my grandfather whose power of attorney i have and use even when it comes to decisions that he in the moment doesn't like but I know are in his best interest now that hes mentally deficient. Im saying it...
  9. FauxRoux

    Are there any smart Trump supporters?

    Yeah....we get that point....never argued it. Still dont think your system is "better"
  10. FauxRoux

    Are there any smart Trump supporters?

    I have also stated i dont believe children have the wherewithal to make adult decisions. They are not adults. Stop thinking like this is math dude. What you say when taken into a literal context is asinine. Your political views are not the laws of physics. NO ONE....fears your question. We...
  11. FauxRoux

    Are there any smart Trump supporters?

    Yea havnt shown any of that to be true. And you're still using 10 types of logical fallacy... Just because i believe "x" does not automatically mean i believe "y".....nor is the reversal true ...And while you may not see the contridiction in your system i sure do...Just because...
  12. FauxRoux

    Are there any smart Trump supporters?

    Actually my wife and I agree its 18. For the reasons that have been listed. We believe in science. And YOU can't refudiate that even in your system SOMEONE is still getting shafted (pun only slightly intended)...personally I'll take the system that is unfair in the kids favor since that's the...
  13. FauxRoux

    Are there any smart Trump supporters?

    Also since this IS true for you... ...then you are saying that you understand your system doesn't really address the issue at hand (being predatory behavior towards children or their potential for bad judgment through inexperience) but you still find that preferable. So why are we to believe...
  14. FauxRoux

    Are there any smart Trump supporters?'re stretching're using 10 kinds of logical fallacy to defend a view none of us care about. We all agree the government is dysfunctional to one degree or another...kind of beside the point. The part we can't wrap our noodles around is how you feel it should apply...
  15. FauxRoux

    Are there any smart Trump supporters?

    I edited my above post to address your "website" before your response.... I'm a little dissapointed by your broken record and its utter lack of substance. Its shit like this that tanked nearly every meaningful movement in the u.s. over the 20th century. I appreciate your passion, now go do...
  16. FauxRoux

    Are there any smart Trump supporters?

    But you NEED to know where me running my life ends and you attempting to run my life begins to know the distinction in the first place. (Or in the case of a child more specifically). Understand? It requires an awareness in "other" then yourself....of where those lines are in order to respect...
  17. FauxRoux

    Are there any smart Trump supporters?

    I've asked that about 6 times always gets responded to with "then you support coercion". Never touching on how the distinction is to be made. You would be faaar better off simply saying its your ideal and you have no idea how it would work. Because quite frankly your attempts to dodge...
  18. FauxRoux

    Donald Trump

    remind me not to do business with him.
  19. FauxRoux

    Are there any smart Trump supporters?

    I never said or tried to imply that you gave a universal age of consent....that is, in my opinion part of the problem...their should be one, as in this particular I would rather deny a young persons rights to sex temporarily if it will help prevent sexual abuse (and it does). For example I have...
  20. FauxRoux

    Are there any smart Trump supporters?

    anyone who kills anyone is a murderer. Its kind of the definition.