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  1. Jay_normous

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    You know what they say about people with big hands.... Big gloves..! I know it's a long, long time away but has anyone given growing autos in their back garden in the summer a thought..? I hoping to do at least 1, but must find it a hiding place when visitors arrive
  2. Jay_normous

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    Not impressed with Short stuff seeds... Firstly my Russain rocket fuel turned out to be a runt and now my Feminized auto assasain has turned out to be a full blown male.. On a happier side, Out of 6 other regular seeds, 5 of them have turned out to be female..
  3. Jay_normous

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Not impressed with Short stuff seeds... Firstly my Russain rocket fuel turned out to be a runt and now my Feminized auto assasain has turned out to be a full blown male.. On a happier side, Out of 6 other regular seeds, 5 of them have turned out to be female..
  4. Jay_normous

    Strawberry Cough, Shining Silver haze 400w Stealth Cabinet Scrog

    I've had to harvest when the pistiles were clear / white.... Jes, couldn't sit down for a minute when smoking it... always had to be doing / making something.. I think your at the right time to chop... I thought your scrog was a success mate, maybe when you harvest them and see the amount that...
  5. Jay_normous

    DR80, 400w HPS, Snow White & More!

    Coming on well... They look very Indica, that stuff looks like it'll melt you to the couch for the day.!! How long do you think you have left...
  6. Jay_normous

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    Nice looking plants man... I grew Ak-48, it was suppose to be Auto but never did grow right... ah well good to see someone else has great success... Happy Daze...
  7. Jay_normous

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Looking well Mick, what Autos are they again..? What you using in your pots..? If i were you, I would cut the brown burnt bits off, as its surves no purpose and I actually think it takes energy from the plant. I'd cut the leaf back, just as if you were cloning, by doing this the leaf wont...
  8. Jay_normous

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Best use sheets of wood (PLY, MDF or Chip board) as this will insulate your room better than tent material.. Dont make it too big as it wont heat up as well, you can purchase Mylar etc but I found by painting it with white wall paint done the job almost as good and ALOT cheaper. Dont forget...
  9. Jay_normous

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    You need to make a enclosure and keep the heat from the light inside.
  10. Jay_normous

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Try and use as much heat as you can from the bulb.. Describe your grow to us as many things can help keep plants warm but it also depends on many factors... Grow tents will lose heat much quicker than hand built grow rooms.
  11. Jay_normous

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Roughly...4ft high, 6ft wide and 3 ft deep. Thanks, it took a lot of planning to build and a good bit of hard work too.. I'm just hoping I'll get plenty of bud from it.. Dreading the leccy bill though...
  12. Jay_normous

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    O.k. so as some of you will know, Im growing autos during the cold weather.. I've decided to cover the pots with foil for 2 reasons... 1. hopefully stop the soil o the top going like cement when dry. 2. hopefully will warm up the soil a bit.. thing im worried about it the foil making a hot...
  13. Jay_normous

    Strawberry Cough, Shining Silver haze 400w Stealth Cabinet Scrog

    That looks like nice sticky bud.... Well done. My guess is a week maybe 9 days.. Just in time for chrimbo too.. Scrog can not be beat on the amount of weight grown
  14. Jay_normous

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Get that hps if you can... That'll keep your room warm, I'm using 20/4 cycle for my autos mostly to keep the room warm, once this cold weather is gone then I'll switch to 18/6. If your able to warm up the soil a bit would boost it
  15. Jay_normous

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    By the sounds of it your plant has stopped growing because it's too cold, I'd suggest moving it indoors till this cold spell goes or get a hps and use the heat off that. Hope this helps Oh just a matter of interest, how big is your box?
  16. Jay_normous

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    The reason I decided to buy some autos was because I have other plants in my room that are vegging and aren't able to flower them due to cold ambient temps I've just harvested a short stuff russain rocket fuel, unfortantly it turned out to be a runt.. Hopefully get a few bowls worth for...
  17. Jay_normous

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    Thanks soa I've got my dates wrong, I put the seedlings in to their pots 11 days ago..! This making me think they are a little slow in growing???
  18. Jay_normous

    Why do my plants look like this....? Weird..!

    I was thinking that as a last resort, but I only fed them twice with a diluted mix of feed, probably less than quarter dose feed... My soil mix is nutrient poor when i first made it which makes me think that it doesn't need flushing.. I have purchase Empsom salts and Sulphate of ammonia to see...
  19. Jay_normous

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    Ok here are my autos on day 13.. I think... Long way to go but they seam happy enough... Looks like i forgot to take a pic of the last auto.. there is suppose to be 7...!!
  20. Jay_normous

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Ok here are my autos on day 13. I think... Long way to go but they seam happy enough... Looks like i forgot to take a pic of the last auto.. there is suppose to be 7...!! I have an idea of a doing single scrogs... I had taken off the front guard of my fan and then had an idea...