Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

`SoA || Asi

Well-Known Member
jay bro if u going for a bigger yeild

try easyryder or ladiva the new autos from delicious Lamusa - labella - la fruta de venus

im growing lamusa right now near the end and a whitewidow 2 weeks in
heres the LaMusa


Active Member
Heres my easyryders at 3 days from sprout check out the one on the right, shes looking bit deformed. i aint ever had this before and a bit sceptical over it.
they are both under 400w hps until tommorow whem my 250w bulb arrives. temps are all good in the tent tho,,
What ya reckon folks?


Active Member
hey i was just wondering if you guys thought it was ok to germinate autoflowering seeds by puting them into a peat pot and covering with compost then puting in a bud tent with 20/4 lighting and intake/extraction fans running and how long do u think it would be untill i see life?,thanks to any1 who can help
I soak the seeds in ashot glass of water for 12-24 hours, then put them directly into rockwool cubes and right into the seedling pot. I soak the rockwool in ph 6.0 distilled water and clonex. My seeds always pop in 1-3 days with this method. I got this method from Marijuana Grow Basics by Jorge Cervantes.


hi all !!!

so with the help of people i have come up with a soil mix for my autos ( soon to order )

start seeds in soilless mix !!!!( peat moss, perlite, vermeculite, worm castings, neem pellets and dolomite lime )

transplant into -
30% soilless mix,
30% mushroom compost with chicken manure, pumice and bark,
30% worm castings,
10% sheep manure !!

in a 25L pot - 2 plants in a pot at one time !!

plus 1 cup blood and bone, quarter cup pot ash, 2 tablespoon epsom salts !!

BOOOOOMMM !!! all organic and no nute burn !! i think ????

any suggestions ??:leaf:


I wouldnt go with growing out 2 plants in 1 pot. Ive never tried this with auto flowering strains but speaking from experience within others, sooner or later the 2 will fight for nutrients, space case scenario you will have 1 semi healthy plant and 1 completely stunted from losing the nutrient battle. Last time I tried this I wound up having to yank 1 plant since its growth was less than 30% of the others. I was lucky, the roots didnt grow into one another yet so i was able to yank 1 without leaving a ton of dead roots behind. Remember that auto flowers grow on age and not photo period, therefore if it starts stressing over losing nutes to the other plant, you dont have much time to make up. And even worse, if 1 plant is lacking in 1 thing then you have to pray that solving that problem wont interfere with your other plant in the same pot. IMO, autoflowers take up little enough space to not worry about doing a 2 plant 1 pot grow. Youre better off growing less plants in their own environment and allow proper nutrient adjustment and root room for each individual.

Your only hope with 2 in 1 is a divider. That has worked for me in large containers.


Active Member
^welcome and make yourself comfy!!

hey guys has anybody grown or are growing any of Nirvana's new autos? Bubbalicious Blue Mystic Jock Horror or Northern Lights? I am at about day 40 from sprout with the Northern Lights and they are heathly and big and bushy but they only just started to show pistils a couple days ago and it seems that they should of started flowering now(earlier) Whatcha guys think?No biggie and it will happen? I know these are new autos so any info would be awesome+rep-- Been growing under 1000w HPS in FFof+Pro-Mix with HESI nutes---

I am growing Nirvana's AF Fem Bubblelicious and Jock Horror. I am about 3 1/2 weeks now and basically using the same setup as you are... 1000w HPS. All plants are starting to show pistils. First off you might want to pull back on your nutes. With FF theres already plenty in there. Check out Nirvana's post on their AF stuff. I am on a 18/6 schedule and I'm debating whether to change from my 'grow light' to my 'bloom light' because they are budding out all by themselves. I may add a little FF Big Bloom but not much. Let me know how it goes.


Active Member
View attachment 1317489View attachment 1317488View attachment 1317487
Just givin everybody an update on the girls... 1st pic is the ak48 at 45 days. 2nd pic is the blue himalaya at 40 days and 3rd pic is the pakistan ryder at 48 days. i got a few more weeks yet till harvest and they get more delicious looking everyday.. i see this thread takes off more and more everyday, glad to see it..!!!... good luck everybody and as always, any comments or suggestions are always welcome, thanks!!!!


Well-Known Member
View attachment 1317489View attachment 1317488View attachment 1317487
Just givin everybody an update on the girls... 1st pic is the ak48 at 45 days. 2nd pic is the blue himalaya at 40 days and 3rd pic is the pakistan ryder at 48 days. i got a few more weeks yet till harvest and they get more delicious looking everyday.. i see this thread takes off more and more everyday, glad to see it..!!!... good luck everybody and as always, any comments or suggestions are always welcome, thanks!!!!

Nice looking plants man...

I grew Ak-48, it was suppose to be Auto but never did grow right... ah well good to see someone else has great success...

Happy Daze...


Active Member
thanks alot for the comments guys... yeah i had read about alot of people growing the ak48 and the pakistan ryder and had problems with it actually being an auto... i had worries in the start, but, they did they're thing like they were supposed to and i have had em on 18/6 from day 1

`SoA || Asi

Well-Known Member
hey guys heres my LaMusa aka TheMuse she smell and looks great pulling soon i will give smoke report asap
btw my whitewidow didint auto bloody lowlife seeds dont trust them


Active Member
hey guys heres my LaMusa aka TheMuse she smell and looks great pulling soon i will give smoke report asap
btw my whitewidow didint auto bloody lowlife seeds dont trust them
View attachment 1317746View attachment 1317751View attachment 1317754View attachment 1317749View attachment 1317747View attachment 1317744

lookin good mos def.... i was eyeing that strain my self, thinking about ordering even more after peepin your post and pics... definately let us know how the smoke report is... the description said something about bitter chocolate,liqorice and extremely powerful... sounds great...

`SoA || Asi

Well-Known Member
yeah thanks man

i love the new strain out Labella and lafruitaDevenus trust me my favorite autos have been from Delicious seeds
LaDiva was so tasty and strong i recommend it great yeild and germ rate 100%

im getting lafruitadevenus soon greatwhiteshark cross whata u going for mate?


Active Member
yeah thanks man

i love the new strain out Labella and lafruitaDevenus trust me my favorite autos have been from Delicious seeds
LaDiva was so tasty and strong i recommend it great yeild and germ rate 100%

im getting lafruitadevenus soon greatwhiteshark cross whata u going for mate?
i got a few on the way as we speak, just waiting on attitude to send em. I got some short stuff onyx and i tried a fairly new company called the 7 dwarfs, gigantes and trojan strains. As far as delicious seeds is concerned, next order i plan on ordering the la frutta di venus,la bella afrodita, the la musa and i want to try that la diva