Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide


Well-Known Member
bottle neck would be a problem if i was going to or wanted to cross breed. i'm not cross breeding this strain.
by "bottle neck" i mean you whould start to see inbreed depression in the plants after a X amount of inbreeding...maybe i dont understand what

your doing?.are you useing colloidal silver to introduce hermie pollen sacs and pollinate other ( different strains of autos) plants? or are you

going to self pollinate the hermied plant or pollinate the hermied plants siblings?
ok so hear it is i have started my first closet indoor grow i have one sweet seeds fast bud going right now that wuzz more of just a experiment well i gather up the right material its in mg ( ya not the best idea i know ) and its under 1 65 watt wallmart grow light and a 65 watt soft wight light from wallmart all so and its not doing to bad i guess . im geting thiss stuff so i can start doing this right lol some fox farm soil ,perlit and ill be using cfls how many watts do u think will be ok for just 2 plants i have fowend a 300 watt cfl thats 2700k for flowering do u think that will be good and i have not got one for veg yet any sugs. and i know nuthing about nuts i undersatnd the consept but no nuthing about it it just confuzez me like hell . plez some one help me i relly want to do this right but i dont have the money to go out and by hp shit plez help thank u guys

`SoA || Asi

Well-Known Member
looks good so far man

300watt is fine for 2 autos mate i use 120watts for my plant (but more watts more bud)

veg till the 4th set of leaves


Ya my speed devil #2 freebie is also a runtauto 089.jpgI almost threw it away a couple weeks ago but then I noticed a cute lil white pistil and this was only about 3 weeks in. My fastbud is doing alot better thoughauto 099.jpg


Well-Known Member
I got 3 females out of ten sagaramatha (sp?) stuporsonic seeds, and they were ALL runts under 10in. A fucking disappointment.
I am starting my Fast Bud tomorrow. This is my first ever grow and you guys seem to know whats up. Here is what im working with:

About roughly 2 foot of heighth and about 30 inches of width.
Mylar Insulation
(4) 6500K Lumens 100W CFL's
3-Speed Squirrel Cage Fan
Coco Gro in a 7 Quart pot (I was told by many that this was a good medium for beginners)
And a shit ton of Gorilla Tape

Sorry, Im not trying to jack anyones thread. Im just a noob in need of some wisdom and advice. Thanks.​


it was around 3 ft away from my 400 watt hps but ya ima noob and learning from experience. u should see how stretchy my regular strains are. 1 is almost 5 ft tall but luckily i have enough room because i only just started flowering 2 days ago and i kno they keep getn taller during flower. she is healthy as shit tho. the only keeper out of the 20 random freebie beans from ams


Active Member
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I thought i would post some pics and update you all on the progress of my girls... I am about 10 days or more away on harvest of the pakistan ryder and the ak48. The first pics are of the blue himalaya at 47 days. 2nd and 3rd pics are the pakistan ryder at 55 days and the last 2 pics are the ak48 at 52 days, I got several more auto's on the way as we speak... Any comments or suggestions are always appreciated... Thanks everybody and good luck to all.....


Active Member
autoflower2.jpgautoflower5.jpgautoflower7.jpgautoflower3.jpgCould someone please help me with something? I have 4 AF's growing, roadrunners. I received the seeds free with an order, and I did not know they were autoflowering, until I saw a ton of white hairs about 2 weeks after seed. So here is the thing. I am told they stay under the same light schedule from seed to harvest. That is fine, but what I cant get the answer to the lights still need to change? Do they stay under the veg light, or do I still have to put them under the flowering lights, but leave at 18/6? SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME!!!



Active Member
View attachment 1332200View attachment 1332199View attachment 1332198View attachment 1332197Could someone please help me with something? I have 4 AF's growing, roadrunners. I received the seeds free with an order, and I did not know they were autoflowering, until I saw a ton of white hairs about 2 weeks after seed. So here is the thing. I am told they stay under the same light schedule from seed to harvest. That is fine, but what I cant get the answer to the lights still need to change? Do they stay under the veg light, or do I still have to put them under the flowering lights, but leave at 18/6? SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME!!!

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Use flowering lights but keep them under 18/6....going 12/12 will hurt your yield


Well-Known Member
View attachment 1332200View attachment 1332199View attachment 1332198View attachment 1332197Could someone please help me with something? I have 4 AF's growing, roadrunners. I received the seeds free with an order, and I did not know they were autoflowering, until I saw a ton of white hairs about 2 weeks after seed. So here is the thing. I am told they stay under the same light schedule from seed to harvest. That is fine, but what I cant get the answer to the lights still need to change? Do they stay under the veg light, or do I still have to put them under the flowering lights, but leave at 18/6? SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME!!!

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the more light hours the better for your plant, autos will do fine under any amount of light but...the lower the light hours the lower your yeild will be


Royal Queen easy bud seeds didn't sprout anyone else had the same problem, seeds were cheap but I didn't expect them to be infertile.


Active Member
I here ya....My first 2 Lowlife Auto AK47 Fem's turned out to be massive pure males....It's one thing to get a hermie but 2 males in a row from fem seeds...If I let them grow straight up they would have been over 2 foot.....Yep the packet says Lowlife AutoAK47 . I now have another 2 growing and it's early days yet but one looks like being a runt..The other is fine so far.