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  1. Mrmb

    Advice on guerilla watering techniques

    I have two plants in the middle of nowhere that I transplanted into the ground last week. They are doing well, but are requiring more water than I had originally anticipated, which is calling for more frequent visits to the plot. Never a good thing. I have access to the are via 4-wheel drive...
  2. Mrmb

    High Mountain Growing Tips/Advice/Etc

    I am growing at 6,000 ft right now and it is going great. Depends alot on the strain and environment, etc. What part of the country are you in?
  3. Mrmb

    how to hide plants in truck to move to outdoor grow

    I just moved my plants last night at about midnight. I put the plants in my truck bed and kinda wrapped them up in a tarp and tied them to my truck bed. I also had a buddy of mine tail me until I got to the dirt road i planted out. If there were any cops he would try and get pulled over so...
  4. Mrmb

    Anyone ever get busted by a helicopter on here?

    By the way, is a North facing slope the ideal location for growing? Longest days?
  5. Mrmb

    Anyone ever get busted by a helicopter on here?

    I have finally decided to go completely guerilla and move my plants from behind my house to a location about 5 miles away in no man's land. I think its worth going out there once or twice a week compared to the stress of worrying about getting busted.
  6. Mrmb

    Anyone ever get busted by a helicopter on here?

    What is Oregon marijuana air search? Is that just looking for pot from the air? The county I live in I think is still the biggest in the country, so they've got a little bit o' money for fun stuff like choppers. But you guys have eased my mind a bit on the helicopters. I have come to the...
  7. Mrmb

    Anyone ever get busted by a helicopter on here?

  8. Mrmb

    Anyone ever get busted by a helicopter on here?

    That's what I was thinking. I live in a mountain community and the plants are behind my house, nestled nicely in some camo painted pots in bushes about 10 feet apart. The helicopters have flown a pattern nearly the same two days in a row, within about an hour of the same time too. I was...
  9. Mrmb

    Anyone ever get busted by a helicopter on here?

    The reason I ask is there has been some county helicopters in the area and I am worried they'll see my plants. I only have two plants, but they are getting pretty big. I wonder if they would even bother with two plants?
  10. Mrmb

    Whats eating my plants?

    So I bought some caterpillar killer with BT in it and dusted my plants with it yesterday. So far, no new holes. I also transplanted my plants from the 2 gallon pots they were in to 6 gallon pots today. Tied down the majority of the branches for some LST.
  11. Mrmb

    Whats eating my plants?

    alright thanks guys, I'll check for slugs and caterpillars today. Is there any time of day in particular that they will be out?
  12. Mrmb

    Whats eating my plants?

    Anyone have a guess as to what is eating my plants surely but slowly?
  13. Mrmb

    Show everyone what your growing outside

    Sterling Haze from Nirvana, been outside for about a month, topped once, thinking about topping again or LST.
  14. Mrmb

    Didn't expect snow in May...Good thing the girls are in pots

    Brought them in for the first time since they went outside about a month ago. How do they look?
  15. Mrmb

    Yeah! It's Bud Worm Season. Pics

    Does anyone know what the ideal environment is for these worms is? The reason I ask is, I am at 6,000 feet in the mountains of socal and I see them having trouble living at this altitude. Although it does get plenty warm in the summer up here.
  16. Mrmb

    socal gorrilla grow advice

    You definitely need a water source near the plants that you can run drip tubing off of. The larger the container you use for water storage the less you will need to go to the grow spot (the less the better). I am at 6,000 feet in the mountains of socal, it's a great climate to grow in.
  17. Mrmb

    My solution to camouflage

    I know what you're saying Dave. I haven't decided what method would work best for my situation. I think I am going to start doing some LST to try and make them bushes instead of pine trees, haha.
  18. Mrmb

    My solution to camouflage

    Thanks Bhello, that's the idea, haha.