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  1. Gblink3

    Hermie - To Chop or Not To Chop?? Please reply!

    I would chop the one going hermi, got some bud out of it anyway.
  2. Gblink3

    How long can you leave a male?

    Just in case it isn't a male it only just showed an hour ago and isn't detectable to the naked eye yet.
  3. Gblink3

    How long can you leave a male?

    I've got a couple 12/12 from seeds going on week three and I've got one that is developing the staminate, I want to let it grow a couple days but I don't want it to ruin my girls that are 3 months in the making and only got 3 weeks left. The little ball I can see isn't much bigger than a needle...
  4. Gblink3

    Nut Burn.......

    Stop using nutes for a few watering and look to new growth to see if the problem works itself out.
  5. Gblink3

    Manure? Fertilizer? or both?

    I wouldn't use actual shit manure on my green, bone and blood meals are great, as are worm castings which you already got.
  6. Gblink3

    Minimum Area for One Plant

    At least a figure of a square foot and about 7 feet in height to get a decent yield worth writing home about.
  7. Gblink3

    infrared police helicopters

    I think it's a waste of time to worry about all this heat nonsense, and get ready CAUSE I'M ABOUT TO USE ALL CAPS alright? IF AN INFRARED COP GOT YOU IT WAS PROBABLY CAUSE THEY HAD A TIP FROM SOMEONE YOU BLABBED TO, loose lips ruin almost all grow ops cops actually just happening to catch people...
  8. Gblink3


    I use molasses, mix it into your water till it looks like an ice tea, check out my buds what I got pics of is 3 weeks and flowering used Miracle grow plant food + pure water to veg and miracle grow transplant + molasses water alternating in flower, Molasses makes em sticky and burn better.
  9. Gblink3

    leaving plants flowering after trichs are amber

    I always look at it as less of a more potent bud is better than a lot of weak bud. At least it won't be the same as if your bud had gotten seeded, waiting till after amber reaches it's peak just lets a lot of THC the become CBD.
  10. Gblink3

    im confused

    Damn, must have some good genetics in that baby, no offense but you abused the shit out of those things I was surprised when you said a plant actually germinated I hope you haven't been using MG this whole time they would be nute burned to hell.
  11. Gblink3

    infrared police helicopters

    I'm surprised no one here ever figured this out I don't even use HID and I know to do this, but if you vent the air from your grow through the dryer vent then there will be nothing suspicious a infrared cop can even recognize.
  12. Gblink3

    What Strain is This?

    There are hundreds of strains no one can just look at a pic and recognize a plant unless it's really obvious like Hawaiian Gold or Purple. Just be happy you've got some girl action.
  13. Gblink3

    infrared police helicopters

    Infared dosen't have the ability to see through walls like Superman as most people believe, they can only see a hot spot radiation from your house if you use HID and have poor insulation. Police are also not supposed to be using infrared to just look for grow ops, the only reason a cop catches a...
  14. Gblink3

    What exactly is

    Never heard someone say krippy, it's not as bad as people I meet one time that asked for it by saying "hey mang, you got some bobo?" Some WTF!>!? God I hate rednecks.
  15. Gblink3

    mutations from cloned flowering- alternative ?

    Thats what people that do elaborate grows do, propagate maybe 10 seeds clone them, mark the clone to mother, kill off the male and select their favorite couple to use as moms from that point till they get tired of the strain at which point they will finish using that strain and start again from...
  16. Gblink3

    if and when do I need to flush?

    You need to flush especially if you use stronger chemical fertilizers as they will be present in the plants foliage and buds if you used it up to 2 weeks before you chop and it will in term make your grass taste terrible and burn poorly, making your entire grow worthless. You can use natural...
  17. Gblink3

    Check out my nugs!!!

    Yours look great, already got what I have at 5 weeks bud wise, but thats what I get using CFL mine were bag seed too I got pics in my album.
  18. Gblink3

    Closet Grow Next Steps?

    Switch to HPS and leave it alone, it will let it's leaves go when it's ready without your interference not like your stretched for light with only one plant and a HPS lamp.
  19. Gblink3

    Lowryder, 7th week, and only 4inch

    Looks great lowryders a ruderalis so it's not gonna get much taller than a foot, has it flowered yet? it will double in size while flowering and get to the size its supposed to be.
  20. Gblink3

    Day 20. What could be wrong with these things?

    I remember last weekend saying they looked sad back then and still do, worse case scenario is that root rot has already set in and they are fatally wounded.