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  1. Gblink3

    First time 3 weeks into flowering, now you say something.

    I wish I had buddies to share such divine shit with, but all my old friends stabbed me in the back so it's all their lost for they shall smoke swag until their lungs fall out now while I live with the chronic.
  2. Gblink3

    early flowering??

    I got some 12/12 from seeds going right now, on week 2 still no sex, growing like mother fuckers though.
  3. Gblink3

    First Grow: Week 5 into Flowering How's she looking?

    I love that you used a natty light can, it looks like you have at least a 7-8 g cola nug there, sweet.
  4. Gblink3

    Do roots continue to grow?

    Yes as long as a plant is alive the roots will prosper until it gets bound put it in the huge one and your plant may very well triple to quadruple in size during flowering.
  5. Gblink3

    13 weeks.. havest time???

    Form first hand experience I can say molasses is the best thing anyone can do for the plant gets an even better taste and better burn than plain water flushing, and since its natural dosen't do any harm, just mix some with your water till it looks like a ice tea.
  6. Gblink3

    Harvested a little at week 5 to practice?

    So I took a little 3g wet bud that has dried over night and now is a 1g bud from my purple haze. How long does it usually take foe the chlorophyll to go away and the hay smell to stop, can I begin curing if it smells like hay or will it stink up my curing can? It's only a little 1g ball so it's...
  7. Gblink3

    HELP!!! Male???

    It looks more like new leaf growth coming from the internode.
  8. Gblink3

    Hermi--can it be smoked

    A hermi plant that pollinates itself will only put out hermi seeds, most of the reason there are seeds in bags of weed you buy off the street. And for fucking up any one aspect of the grow be it light deprivation, root shock through PH flux, external pressure, bad climate can also force a plant...
  9. Gblink3

    Hermi--can it be smoked

    A plant can be hermi by both genetics and stress you're both right, and yes you can smoke a hermi, you can smoke a male, hell you can go outside and smoke the weeds in your yard if you want.
  10. Gblink3

    should i be worried?

    No, cops are not even supposed to be using infrared to detect grows, they only reason infrared cops ever catch a grow is that they are out looking for a missing person or escaping suspect and just happen to be in the neighborhood, about 90% of grow ops are busted because of loose lips not cops.
  11. Gblink3

    Week 5 a single bud looks ready?

    Would leaving that bud make it over-ripe and begin to degrade the THC content if I wait to do the whole plant at once?
  12. Gblink3

    Week 5 a single bud looks ready?

    Should I cut and begin to treat a bud thats ready on a plant, it's only like a 3g bud compared to a rough guess of the rest of the plants 30g body, would taking this ripe bud have any ill effects? The bud is for sure amber and I just got a microscope in and all the trichomes are developed on it.
  13. Gblink3

    What would happen if you didnt harvest

    A plant will grow forever until it gets root bound if kept indoor, youtube how to prune weed and see a guy who made a bonsai bush like mother that got so big he had to put it in a rubbermaid heavy duty garbage can.
  14. Gblink3

    Increasing bud size: Spray Nutes On Them?

    I just sprayed a bud and lost all that yummy frost THC that forms one the calaxys and small leaves under the flowers.
  15. Gblink3

    Increasing bud size: Spray Nutes On Them?

    In fact I just did it to one bud to see what happens the actual pods did swell a small amount, but it wasn't enough to justify the loss of that delicious frost THC that covered the little leaves right bellow the flower either.
  16. Gblink3

    Increasing bud size: Spray Nutes On Them?

    WRONG!!!!! spraying buds past even the second week of development is just begging for bud rot. You can only foliar feed in the veg stage cause you can't feed a seedling for it will burn and you can't spray a flowering girl unless you got a mother that you keep alive at all times.
  17. Gblink3

    First time 3 weeks into flowering, now you say something.

    I may order seeds for next time, right now all I have to go with are bagseeds I had collected over the past two years I have a couple hundred seeds enough to survive off of for years and start a few armies.
  18. Gblink3

    First time 3 weeks into flowering, now you say something.

    I love those big fat colas that cone down the entire body of a plant.
  19. Gblink3

    First time 3 weeks into flowering, now you say something.

    Thank you, I really hope someone might be able to recognize which strains they are that would be about all I have left to know about them, I got a microscope coming in next week just in case I can't figure out which strain they are.
  20. Gblink3

    how to increase yield

    You can force flowering now, If you could find a large enough container to put over them but still have air flow inside, I alternate between MG and molasses every watering.