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  1. tokerthesmoker

    help was transplanting and think i cut off roots!!

    thanks alot for your replys ill try some of that, ill let you know how it goes, hope for the best =]
  2. tokerthesmoker

    My First Grow Need Suggestions And Advice

    thanks nice to have a bit of confidence booster lol i seperated the pot with 2 seeds in it today, the smaller one could be dyin now, not to happy about that but what can i do =[ i think the lights are 25 or 40w, how long u had urs growin ?
  3. tokerthesmoker

    help was transplanting and think i cut off roots!!

    hi i had a pot with 2 seedlings in, they are about 3 weeks old 3-5 inches tall, one of them started to bend its leafs a bit as the other seedling was taller and taking most of the light, so i decided to split them into seperate pots, i slowly dug down to the smaller plant, and then deeper down...
  4. tokerthesmoker

    My First Grow Need Suggestions And Advice

    well theres 2 plants in one (home made pot) its about 15 cm, then other one is in a 6.5cm pot and finally the last one is in a margerine container, im very new to this so im guessing im sounding completely like a rookie which i am lol the soil that is being used is, outdoor soil and some organic...
  5. tokerthesmoker

    My First Grow Need Suggestions And Advice

    Hi i started my first grow about 2 weeks ago, using bagseed just to see how things go, do you think they will grow under these lights? u can close the door etc on it, and do you think i should be giving them 24/7 light schedule atm which is what i been doing, also when do i add fertilizer? etc...