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  1. tokerthesmoker

    do you think my setup is ok and how long till i flower + sum questions =(

    so do you think it would be better to get rid of the shelf, only thing is then the lights will be hanging in a bad position so i dont really know
  2. tokerthesmoker

    do you think my setup is ok and how long till i flower + sum questions =(

    ok good enough i have a spray bottle just perfect for that, what do i keep the humidity at around?
  3. tokerthesmoker

    do you think my setup is ok and how long till i flower + sum questions =(

    heres how it is now the fan is pushed behind at the bottom, also can anyone tell me how to get humidity up, its at 34% atm and what do i need it to be
  4. tokerthesmoker

    do you think my setup is ok and how long till i flower + sum questions =(

    how much would u reckon i could get from them plants? obviously i dont expect you to be s fortune teller but what would your rough guess be? well suppose if i geta decent yield for my first grow i cant complain, just a learning curve atm would love some better lights though and see some fast...
  5. tokerthesmoker

    do you think my setup is ok and how long till i flower + sum questions =(

    well as long as its decent enough for my first grow i cant ask for more, happy enough with the advice good news, yeh still getting over this credit crunch :sad: lol
  6. tokerthesmoker

    do you think my setup is ok and how long till i flower + sum questions =(

    do you think i should do that? probly a good idea, but would it stress the plant with too much air blowing on it?
  7. tokerthesmoker

    do you think my setup is ok and how long till i flower + sum questions =(

    they are around 4-6 weeks old, stoned half the time so hey! lol you wanna see some side boob pics? i mean of the plants lol
  8. tokerthesmoker

    do you think my setup is ok and how long till i flower + sum questions =(

    hi this is my first grow my plants are about 6 weeks old, im using 4 x 23-40w lights and my temperature stays around 25 degrees celsius and im using seaweed extract and baby bio organic fert for veg and tomorite and the seaweed extract through flowering, can you tell me how long would it be...
  9. tokerthesmoker

    do you think my setup is ok and how long till i flower + sum questions =(

    hi this is my first grow my plants are about 6 weeks old, im using 4 x 23-40w lights and my temperature stays around 25 degrees celsius and im using seaweed extract and baby bio organic fert for veg and tomorite and the seaweed extract through flowering, can you tell me how long would it be...
  10. tokerthesmoker

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    hey rory thats good to hear im a complete novice but iv learnt a bit from on here i just hope all goes well, i have ordered some maxicrop stuff with seaweed extract and some tomorite seen some good reviews about it so ill give it a go, i started off with 7 seeds but only 6 broke the shell and...
  11. tokerthesmoker

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    hey all you fellow irish this is my first time growing, do you think these are looking ok also at what size do i flower?
  12. tokerthesmoker

    Leaves turning and odd color.

    any1 else think that pic 1 looks like its bein pointed at with a penis!
  13. tokerthesmoker

    need a quick decision weather to get these nutes help please

    hi im stuck on what nutes to get i have been looking for hours now and just have no clue, my decisions seem to be very lowered as i cant find any uk based nutes can anyone help as i need to order them now are these ok to buy{1}109