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  1. tokerthesmoker

    First Time Grow - Bagseed cfls 40w fridge Space with lights and metal sides

    hi everyone this is my first grow i started off with 7 bagseeds, 6 germinated and only 4 sprouted, 2 were potted in the same pot one of them was getting taller and wasnt getting enough light so i tried to seperate them and pulled all the roots off one, so left with 3 now 3 weeks old 2...
  2. tokerthesmoker

    Growing Bagseed atm, Need some advice People - Thanks in Advance!

    lights at the min are only 40w 2700ks i think, i have ordered splitters so i can have 4 lights, and will be getting the right spectrum for flower/veg nutes i have been using is just bonemeal, can you suggest any uk nutes? as im not sure also would it be better to adapt to a cupboard grow as my...
  3. tokerthesmoker

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    what will happen if they are 2700k? will i order 2 or 4 6500k?
  4. tokerthesmoker

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    hi i have been growing some bagseed for a few weeks now, do you think my plants look healthy? should i carry on with this grow or should i get some autoflowering/dwarf seeds? opinions on this please and which is better autoflowering or dwarf plants? pics of current grow this is my...
  5. tokerthesmoker

    Is it too late to transfer to organic soil?? need response asap plz!

    lookup fox farm trio they wil do you from veg to flower
  6. tokerthesmoker

    Growing Bagseed atm, Need some advice People - Thanks in Advance!

    ok pictures are being added of my grow space now so you can see what you think
  7. tokerthesmoker

    Growing Bagseed atm, Need some advice People - Thanks in Advance!

    ill take some pics of my setup so you can see properly i only have 3 ft of height, what is my best options? but i could move and adapt to a cupboard grow i suppose if height became an issue
  8. tokerthesmoker

    Growing Bagseed atm, Need some advice People - Thanks in Advance!

    hi i have been growing some bagseed for a few weeks now, do you think my plants look healthy? should i carry on with this grow or should i get some autoflowering/dwarf seeds? opinions on this please and which is better autoflowering or dwarf plants? pics of current grow this is my...
  9. tokerthesmoker

    Need Advice when to start giving nutes etc please!

    you do know what your talking about, glad to have someone like you giving advice i very much appreciate it
  10. tokerthesmoker

    Need Advice when to start giving nutes etc please!

    so should i transplant them now into 1 gallon pots? or what do you think, also i can make space due to the lights, as they are stacked up on stuff atm and lowered as they grow What happens if i under feed / how long is veg stage? how long is flowering stage, can you flower for as long as you...
  11. tokerthesmoker

    Need Advice when to start giving nutes etc please!

    ok thanks, i only have bonemeal at the min, is this ok or what do you suggest? also any advice on transplanting
  12. tokerthesmoker

    Need Advice when to start giving nutes etc please!

    hi i have been growin some plants for a few weeks now, i am wondering when to start giving them nutes, also when is earliest signs of sex? and lastly when should i transplant them? any help is much appreciated, some pics below, thanks!
  13. tokerthesmoker

    My First Grow Need Suggestions And Advice

    good im hoping they pull through, thanks for the advice swager, never thought about splitters but thats a good enough idea, when do you think i should get them and use them? for flowering or now? and also i have a light timer, i just dont know when to switch to 12/12 they are on 24/7 atm, also...