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  1. C

    I am paying far to much for power,what can i do to pay less?

    I run a very very similar setup with the addition of commercial dehumidifiers, a veg area, and a whole home. i really hope u mean $1,000.
  2. C

    mini split or window/wall ac need help

    I run 3 mini splits. a 18k, 24k, and a 36k in different locations. I love them. They are tiny and nearly silent. You can put them right by the existing ac condenser and if anyone asks say you use it to cool just your bedroom rather than the whole house to save money. If security is a concern...
  3. C

    3 plants 3 lights?

    You should be able to achieve the same production per watt regardless of plant count. Just vegetate your plants longer. Make your one plant the size of the 10 small ones you would do.
  4. C

    Help me to find a dehumidifier that would be effective enough.

    I learned long ago to go with one big commercial unit. a million small ones are a million small problems. i like sante fe / sani dry in addition to snaps recomendations
  5. C

    Cap(don't make fun of me) Controller bucket leaking

    Also petroleum jelly. helps seal the leaks and makes dis assembly easier.
  6. C

    which hydro system to use?

    For ebb and flow u do want an air pump in ur res. Water temp should be between 60 and 75 F. I have had to add heaters for the winter in some situations. U should use a top to reduce light getting to the water and also reduce evaporation. Also dont water at all during the dark cycle, AND...
  7. C

    Anybody have a GH Flora series trio feed chart? These are the expert and simple feeding charts for all the GH nutrient lines. u r going to be looking at one of the first 2 depending on what kinda system you are running
  8. C


    I've used the GH flora series for about 4 years in ebb & flow systems. I started exactly as are were saying, the 3 base nutrients and calmag. Since i have started using the diamond nectar and a root stimulator plus some other bloom additives. I haven't had any lock out problems unless there is a...