Search results

  1. bongedman929

    what are some ways to cover your high???

    ill have to try these eyedrops some time...sound interesting
  2. bongedman929

    Fuck People Who Don't Tip!

    Thats exactly how i feel, i once had a waiter at a dennys suck real bad and failed to bring me my food, then i saw a sign that said please tip 2.00$ minimum. i didnt give that how anything cause i saw her twice
  3. bongedman929

    do i have ocd or somthing?

    im not sure but sometiems i wake up at three oclockish and start cleaning my room and i cant fall back asleep without satsifying my urge to clean.
  4. bongedman929

    what are some ways to cover your high???

    oh really baked too
  5. bongedman929

    what are some ways to cover your high???

    So last night i hung out with my girlfriend and some friends from school and we watched movies, well one of my good friends showed up last night about 1230, and he was blazed outta his mind, well he was good at covering it up and i was too distracted with my girlfriend too notice, but i asked...
  6. bongedman929

    most random smoking experience?

    Lol why would you want pics?? thats gross my weird experience is i was hanging out with my friend jimmy and smoking weed, i then had to be home but my mom was gone and my dad is a heavy sleeper i could sneak out so i did, and then we met up and then he talked to his friend ian and the next...
  7. bongedman929

    Cali Vs Colorado?

    Colorado cost of living in the mountains is a little high but not too bad
  8. bongedman929

    Cali Vs Colorado?

    um well, i lived in colorado which is a great state btw...but anyways, you can live in summit county and work for the ski resort or im sure you wont have any problem finding a job, i mena it wouldnt be a great job if you looking for a profession oriented job, but there are alot of jobs that pay...
  9. bongedman929

    Sickest video ever??

    oh yeah i saw that earlier this year and it freaked me out, i couldnt even watch it all...thats just fucked up
  10. bongedman929

    What is your preferred way to smoke crappy weed?

    well i dont have a bong lol, im a college kid in the dorm, but i have a pipe and the only time i really clean it is when i have no more weed left and after months of not being clean the pipe has alot of resin, so i harvest it and smoke (talk about tasting nasty)
  11. bongedman929

    What is your preferred way to smoke crappy weed?

    i have to agree...thats how a man does it
  12. bongedman929

    The 5 word story

    Makes eating a chicken sad
  13. bongedman929

    How To Quit Marijuana.

    my first time having sex i was high. it was great.
  14. bongedman929


    bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliehang on let me rip this pipebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie k well i used to live in Breckenridge, Colorado till i was 17 and let me tell you the summer of my 17th year was amazing...all i did with friends was just drive and...
  15. bongedman929

    The 5 word story

    while plotting to destroy EARTH!!!
  16. bongedman929

    The 5 word story

    While laughing his ass off
  17. bongedman929

    The 5 word story

    a woman who fucks alot
  18. bongedman929

    what movies are you watching?

    im currently watching matrix revolutions